A Blast From The Past.

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My body was sore. Not from pain or discomfort, rather from all the acts Valentino administered on my body last night.  Restraining me, spanking my pussy with the riding crop, using the vibrator on me while I was forced to hold in my orgasms, carnally fucking my mouth and finally; fucking me. He wasn't gentle, he rarely was. But that's okay, I loved it and he knew it.

So yes, I was sore all over.

Easing myself out of bed I picked up Valentino's dress shirt from the floor and slipped it on. I stole a glance at the ornate clock on the wall above the flat screen TV. Seven thirty it read. Right. Time to get up and get ready for school. Yawning slightly I picked up our clothes from the floor, threw them in the laundry basket and went to the closet to find something to wear.

After about a minute of searching I pulled out a dark green knee- length skirt and a matching long sleeve sweater. Setting these things on the bed I went to get some undergarments. Everything was all jumbled together and it was hard to tell the difference between a garter belt and a stockings. I guess I'll have to sacrifice an hour of study time later to sort through this mess.

Shutting the drawer I dropped the two items on the bed next to my clothes and shuffled to the bathroom, feeling extremely sluggish despite having just woken up. Taking off the shirt I dropped it on the counter top, stepped into the glass cubicle and shut the door.

Turning the faucet on high, I stepped underneath the hot spray and closed my eyes, letting my thoughts roam idly and my mind to sink into a state of complete relaxation. After about a minute I began to actually shower, lathering on strawberry scented body wash and scrubbing myself from head to toe.

After thoroughly rinsing off the suds I turned off the water and wrapped myself in my towel. By the time I had washed my face and brushed my teeth, my sluggishness had disappeared and I felt clean, fresh and rejuvenated. After I had changed into my clothes I brushed my hair and put it in a loose ponytail.

My makeup was minimal this morning, having had applied a full face for dinner last night. Slinging my bag over my shoulder I left the room and made my way downstairs. The rest of the family were already here excluding Valentino and Nadia, the latter of whom was rarely ever present these days.

"Good morning all," I said cheerily as I took my seat.
"Good morning my dear," Dad greeted. "I trust you slept well?"
"Mm-hm, I slept just fine. Umm where's Valentino? He wasn't there when I woke up. Has he gone out?"
"He's outside receiving a call."

Just then Carol came and served me my breakfast: avacado toast, blueberry muffins, eggs and bacon bits and a cup of coffee. Smiling my thanks I dug right in, suddenly feeling ravenous. I was about halfway through when Valentino walked in, still on the phone. He sat down and Carol immediately came to pour his coffee and serve him breakfast. "Okay thanks for the warning Theo, I appreciate it. We'll talk later. Bye."

When the call ended I reached my hand out and made him look at me, displeasure written all over my face. "I woke up to an empty bed this morning. Where have you been?"
"Forgive me my darling, but I had no choice. Theodore called early this morning and I didn't want to wake you," he said.
I nodded understandingly and went back to eating. "What did he want to talk about?"

"He called to give me a heads up. This morning one of his drug dealers got arrested. Apparently the Feds are making a lot of arrests these days. And after that murder on 146th Street, they're starting to pay closer attention to the criminal activities in and around the city. We must thread carefully."

"I agree. We may have to lay low for a while," Dad mused. "This isn't the first time we've been under the Feds' radar. They'll be watching our every move. So until the dust settles I want everyone to be on high alert. No reckless driving, no engaging in unnecessary fights or conflicts with other Mafias and absolutely no staying out late past two am. Understood?"

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