Tick Tock Goes The Biological Clock.

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"I don't see why we can't wait until we get home to eat," Damen complained as he pulled up in front of Burger King. "We're rich, we have a personal chef for crying out loud."
"True, but sometimes I like to munch on a french fry or bite into a nice greasy, meaty burger," Jasmine said as she took out her wallet and opened the door. "Now what did Sabrina want? A cheeseburger, fries, chicken nuggets and a large drink?"

"Don't forget the oreo ice cream sandwich. If we go home without it she'll send me back out to get one no matter how late it is."
"Okay. Do you guys want anything?"
"Actually I'd like something babe," I said. "Could you get it?"
"Sure honey, what would you like?"
"I'd like a juicy kitten with a dash of special sauce and a side dish of sucked sausage please."

She furrowed her brows in confusion. "Uhh babe? This is Burger King I don't think I'll find juicy kitten on the menu, let alone sucked sausage. What even is that-"

She stopped talking. I could see the gears turning in her head and smirked self-righteously. Had we been alone I would have told her straight up what I wanted. But since we had company I'd have to keep my dirty thoughts in my head and off my tongue.

When she finally figured out my riddle she scowled and slapped my arm. "I have a filthy mouth, but you have a filthy mind! I thought you were hungry and wanted to order actual food, not my body! Santa María ¿qué voy a hacer con este hombre?"
(Saint Maria what am I going to do with this man?)
"I have no idea what you just said but it sounds hot," I murmured as I leaned forward to kiss her neck.

She rolled her eyes and shut the door before making her way to the entrance of the restaurant. While we waited for her to get back Damen stepped outside for a leisure smoke. I had a strict policy against smoking in my vehicles, especially the special ones like this. Once I let Theodore borrow my Lamborghini Gallardo when he went on a cross-country road trip in 2017.

He would smoke three times a day, sometimes chain-smoking an entire box—in the car. When he got back I had to have someone deep clean the interior with products strong enough to clean an entire hotel suite. Including the bathroom. That was when I banned all smoking in any of my cars.

If you needed a joint, go outside. The guys thought it was such a hassle but they complied with my request. Of course that was after I threatened to cut off their supply of cocaine if I found a single cigarette butt anywhere in my car.

"So tell me son, how are you liking being married to Jasmine?" Father turned around to look at me, curiosity in his eyes.
I smiled and turned my head to gaze out the window at the shimmering lights of New York. "I'm loving it Father. Jasmine and I are getting along splendidly and we love each other deeply."
"Yes I know that. Even a blind person can sense the love you two have for each other. I trust there are no secrets between you?"

I diverted my eyes for a moment and faced forward. "What do you mean? No there are no secrets between us."
Father sighed and turned back around in his seat. "Valentino I know you and Damen are well aware of what happened when I threw your mother out of the house. How could you not? I've been hammering that into your heads for years. And when Damen got married I made him swear to never cheat on Sabrina no matter how stressful his marriage was. But you know as well as I how that turned out."

"Father I know what you're about to say, but you don't have to worry. I will never cheat on Jasmine no matter how difficult things get between us," I promised. "I love her with all my heart and she loves me. We're each other's support, each other's refuge and strength. We're also each other's weakness."

Father nodded and reached out to pat my knee. "I know you won't son. You yourself witnessed what happened when your brother made the mistake of cheating on his wife."

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now