There's One In Every Family-Or Two.

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Hey guys, sorry for the late chapter. It was supposed to be published this morning so I can get started on the next one, but I was held back. Anyway here it is. Hope you enjoy it.


"Rise and shine my love."

I opened my eyes to the sound of my husband's morning voice and the sensation of his lips kissing my neck. Groaning, I turned over on my back and peeked at him through my lashes. "Is it morning already?"
With a light chuckle he got out of bed and slipped on a pair of boxers before going to the bathroom for his morning shave.

Reluctantly, I eased myself out of my warm bed and walked to the closet in search of something to wear. After much deliberation, I decided to go with a pair of ripped jeans and a turtleneck sweater. Setting my clothes down, I slipped on fresh underwear and a bra and went to brush my teeth. Walking past Valentino, I grabbed my toothbrush, squirted some paste on the bristles and got to work.

"Try to get home as early as you can alright? Our guests will be arriving at six so we can have a chance to get acquainted then we'll have dinner and spend the evening discussing the prospective alliance," Valentino told me.
I spat, rinsed out my mouth and washed down the sink before answering. "Who else will be involved in this discussion? The entire family? Or just a selective few?"
"The dinner will take place in the dining room. The meeting will be held in the library. It shall be a private affair with just Father, Damen, Sabrina, you, me, the Don of the family and his wife."

I nodded to show my understanding and replaced my toothbrush before going back to our room to finish getting ready. Just as I was putting the finishing touches on my makeup, Valentino came out of the bathroom and went to select his own clothes. I waited until he was fully dressed before I grabbed my school bag and the keys to his BMW and followed him out the door.

When we arrived downstairs, I saw that the maids had already laid breakfast out on the table. With the exception of Alec and Nadia—who was ever the same with her constant drinking and smoking —the entire family was here. Like every Monday morning, Ryan and Rachel were complaining and making all sorts of excuses to avoid going to school. I couldn't blame them. I don't think there's a single person in this world who liked Mondays.

"Well this is strange," Felix remarked as he caught sight of Valentino and I. "Very strange indeed."
"What do you mean?" I asked confusedly.
"On most mornings you and Tino stay in bed cuddling, cooing, kissing and making love for at least an hour before coming down for breakfast. What's the matter? Run out of stamina?"
"Give me a break. Just because we like to indulge in morning sex doesn't mean we do it everyday."

"That's a relief. Andrès needs his rest and he can't very well do that when you guys are constantly banging the headboards," Riley pointed out. "Especially since his room is the closest to yours."
"That's because that room once belonged to Jasmine. And Valentino wanted his Persian flower to be as close to him as possible," Sabrina giggled. "Am I right Tino?"

"I simply didn't want Jasmine to be left unguarded. I needed to keep a close watch on her in case she planned on trying to escape," Valentino said simply.
"Yeah right. Like I could've escaped with the amount of guards, surveillance cameras and electric fences you keep around the place," I snorted. "I probably wouldn't have made it past the front door without you knowing."
"You were my secret weapon. Of course I would've taken the necessary security measures to make sure you didn't leave."

I smiled and grazed his cheek with my finger. "That was then, this is now. Now we're married, we're bound to each other. I am yours and you are mine. Always and forever."
"I couldn't agree more," Valentino said lovingly as he leaned over and captured my lips with his, kissing me with a deep sense of urgency while he held onto me with one hand and caressed my face with the other. Moaning softly, I wrapped my arms around his neck and returned the kiss, feeling the smoothness of his freshly shaved jaw and chin.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now