Green With Envy.

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"Food and drinks, decorations, music, guest list and venue. All right, everything's all there," I said as I put the list down and cracked my knuckles. "The maids will start cleaning the mansion from early in the morning and in the afternoon we'll put up the decorations in the dining hall. The guests will start arriving at seven o'clock and caterers will start cooking four hours before. The live band will be playing some of Dad's favorite songs from his youth. As well as a few classics."

"We should have extra security put in place and for everyone's invitation to be checked at the door before they come in," Valentino added. "Safety is important. Especially since this is the first time people will see that Sabrina's pregnant. Damen was careful to keep this fact hidden for as long as possible. We couldn't afford for her to have a target on her back. We'll need to watch her as closely as possible."

I nodded and picked up my phone to see what time it was. Five fifteen. Time to start making dinner. Getting off the bed Valentino opened the door and we walked out of our room while holding hands. When we arrived downstairs we saw Dad, Damen, Sabrina, Marcello, Emilia and Santino watching a football game and Riley playing with the dogs on the rug.

When she came back from the beach and saw Theodore here she had to bite her tongue to keep her excitement contained. She so very badly wanted to tell him how she felt but was too nervous to say anything. I told her to wait until after Dad's party to tell Theodore the truth.

She thought I was telling her that so she'll have time to create the perfect atmosphere for when she finally confessed her love. But truthfully I only said that so I'll have time to talk to Evelyn. I didn't get a chance today because she went shopping with her mother. But she was coming to the party tomorrow with her family so that was the perfect time to ask.

"So Jasmine, what's on the menu for dinner?" Santino inquired. "I was most impressed with lunch this afternoon. I'm eager to see what other surprises you have in store for us."
"Most definitely," Emilia agreed. "I can still taste that decadent fish. And the Hogao was delightful."

"I was thinking of making lamb chops with ensalada rusa, grilled veggies and kale salad," I said with a smile. "And strawberry shortcake for dessert."
"Oh. Sorry Jas, but that's a bit too heavy for Sabrina," Damen told me. "The nutritionist said not to give her heavy food before bedtime since it could hamper with her digestion."

"Oh okay. Well I guess I could substitute the lamb chops for something a little lighter," I mused. "Is poached chicken okay?"
"What? No! I don't want poached chicken," Sabrina whined.
"Sabrina don't be stubborn. You know you have a special diet that you need to follow," Damen said. "And anyway you should be thanking Jasmine for taking you into consideration. She always takes such good care of you. Not many women go through such lengths for their sister-in-law you know."

"Your husband is right Sabrina," Mom walked into the room with Andrès and they sat next to Valentino. "Back home I have not one, not two, but four sisters-in-law. We all love each other but we're not nearly as close as you and Jasmine. Except Ruby. She and I have a special bond that transcends the relation we share."

"How many children did Carlos have again?" Marcello asked.
"Five children. Ivan is the oldest and Ruby is the youngest. And as the youngest of Carlos and Sierra's children, she was given the most leeway and freedom. She's also spoiled rotten."

"Tia Ruby is not spoiled. She just had a pampered lifestyle," I defended my aunt. "It's not uncommon for the last child to be given extra love and attention. Take Damen for instance."
"Of course you'll defend her Jas, you're practically her clone," Andrès smirked. "The only difference is the colour of your eyes and your hair."
"Shut up Andrès."
"You shut up Jasmine."

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