Cops And Criminals.

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"Hey Mom guess what? Ryan and I finally decided on a costume to wear for the Halloween party," Rachel said excitedly.
"That's nice honey. Who are you going as?" Annalise asked.
"Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde from Zootopia."

"Heck no," Andrès exclaimed. "Judy and Nick are cops. Don't you know that cops and criminals are mortal enemies? They're like oil and vinegar. They go together but they don't mix."
"He's right," Damen said. "No member of this family has ever been seen interacting with a cop. Just the corrupt ones that work for us. What'll the other Mafias say if they see two of our kids cosplaying as cops? They'll think we've gone rogue."

"Okay we won't dress up as cops," Rachel laughed. "What about Hansel and Gretel? They're brother and sister. And twins too."
Ryan shook his head. "Meg and Jonah are going as Hansel and Gretel. We need to be original. I know, we could dress up as Harry and Hermione from Harry Potter."
"Andy and Jessica already bought their magic wands."
"Darn it."

"Why are you kids having so much trouble picking a costume?" Riley wanted to know. "You can go as anyone you want."
"It's because of what happened last year," Dario sighed. "At least three kids dressed up as the same character and a fight broke out because they started arguing about who wore their costume better. So the teachers decided to put up a roster so one child's costume won't coincide with another's."
"Very... organized."

"There's also gonna be a competition," Rachel added. "The child with the best costume gets a trophy and a gift card from Amazon. And they can take home as much candy as they want. Ryan and I will both enter the contest to increase our chances."
"You can keep the trophy but I'll be monitoring the candy," Annalise declared. "I don't want you kids to get cavities at such a young age. Especially since you have such nice teeth Now finish your breakfast so the driver can drop you to school. Daddy and I have to go out this morning."

I chuckled at the looks of disappointment on Ryan and Rachel's faces and held up my cup so Carol could pour me some more coffee. As I drank it I listened to the breakfast conversations being passed around by everyone.

"I'm gonna miss you guys when you leave New York," Sabrina said. "It's been so nice having you here with us."
"We'll miss you too sweetie," Emilia smiled. "But don't worry, we'll be back next year. Hopefully for Easter vacation."
"That'll be great. And the baby will be here by then so you'll be able to meet him. Or her."
"We're so looking forward to it."

Just then Jasmine came into the dining room, wearing jeans and a sweater. But instead of her usual perkiness and upbeat attitude she had a look of anguish painted on her face. Walking up to the table she pulled out her chair and took her seat. "Good morning."

Her voice sounded like she looked: flat and dreary.

"Jasmine? Honey are you okay?" Rebecca asked worriedly.
"I'm fine Mom, just an unwelcome visit from my monthly friend," she said with a weak smile.
"Ohh. I'm sorry baby. Do you think you'll be able to go to school today? You can stay home if you want you know."

Jasmine shook her head and started massaging her temples with both hands. "I have an English Lit assignment that's due Thursday. Besides I told the girls that we'll meet up today so we could talk about it. I'll just take a painkiller before I go."
"Give her a strong cup of ginger tea Rebecca. It works wonders for those pesky cramps," Nonna said sympathetically.

Rebecca nodded and got up to go into the kitchen to make the tea. In the meantime Jasmine picked up her fork to start eating. But just as she was about to put the fork into her mouth she dropped it and released a cry of pain while clutching her stomach.

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