Who wants to live forever

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"Your test results came back, and.. I'm very sorry Mrs. Mercury, but.. it's positive. The way we go from here is.. "

You had stopped listening. You knew what was coming. 

It was only a matter of time before it got you too.

It was hard enough when your husband got it three years ago. You were devastated and couldn't stop crying. 

Now, you were sick as well.

Now, you too were on the brink of death. 

"How will I tell him?" You wondered to yourself nervously. 

You had two options. 

The first option was to not tell Freddie about your diagnosis and pretend everything is fine so he doesn't panic.

The second was to tell him the truth so you weren't lying to him for his remaining days.

It was an impossible choice, but you decided on the latter. Freddie deserved to know, and at least now you could get through it together.

All the "I understand" s and the "It's hard, I know", s would actually mean something now.

With a heavy heart, you nodded at the doctor and went home. Freddie's weak coughing could be heard from upstairs as you stepped inside garden lodge.

"Shit." You muttered painfully to yourself as reality only really hit you now. 

Very soon, that would be you. You had a few more years before you succumbed to the illness, but Freddie didn't have long.

 Maybe a year at the most.

You slowly walked up the stairs and into your bedroom, seeing the singer lying in bed, gently stroking your cat Delilah. 

"Hi darling." He said quietly, looking up at you as you closed the door.

You looked at him, your heart breaking even more. He was getting frailer each day, and he had to rely on you a lot for certain tasks.

"Hey." You croaked.

Concern immediately blossomed on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a frown. 

You let out a quivering sigh.

"I have to tell you something Freddie," You gulped, nervously fidgeting.

"What is it, dear? You can tell me."

You looked him in the eye, feeling even more afraid then when you told him you loved him for the first time. 

"Fuck it. He has to know." Your mind hissed.

"R-Remember when I told you I was going to mum and dad's earlier?" You began.

"Yes, why? Are they alright?" Freddie quizzed.

"I lied. I really went to the doctor's office." Freddie's eyes widened, but he didn't say anything.


"Do not cry, Y/N. This isn't going to make it any easier..." You thought bitterly to yourself.

"I've got it now. I have a-aids too." 

You stared down at the ground, letting out your breath.

 It was over now. The damage was done. You finally said it.

You waited for his words, but they didn't come. What did come, was a shaky laugh.

"N-No... You're joking, right? Y-You're healthy, you have to be," He squeaked, shaking his head fearfully.

"I would never joke about this, Freddie. Not after everything we've been through." You responded seriously.

His lip wobbled and your heart shattered at the sight of seeing him so upset.

"Hey.." You whispered as he burst into tears, letting out pain and agony filled cries.

Delilah hopped off the bed and left the room, letting you crawl over to where she had been sitting so you could comfort the frontman. 

When he had been diagnosed, he wouldn't speak for a good five hours, but then told you that he didn't want to talk about it anymore and wanted to pretend everything was normal.

That was the resilient, strong, brave Freddie you knew.

The person weeping into you at the moment was not. 

"I-I'm so sorry Y/N, I'm so sorry!" He wailed.

"Fred-Freddie no, what are you sorry for?" You asked softly.

"I-it's all my fault! I infected you, I got you s-sick.. " He sobbed even harder. 

You sighed softly, feeling tears forming in your own eyes.

"It's not your fault Freddie, I knew it would happen to me eventually. And besides, if anything it's easier now..."

"H-How is it easier? You're going to die because of me!" He cried.

You took his trembling body into your arms, feeling a wave of nostalgia hit you.

You remembered when Freddie had gotten diagnosed. He was naive enough to think you would break up with him.


"L-Listen dear... I know you're upset, and I know you don't want to watch me die. So... if you want to l-leave me, I-I understand..." He mumbled inaudibly.

You tilted his head up with your finger under his chin, forcing him to look at you.

"Freddie, I'm not going anywhere. I know it will be hard, and I know there will be struggles along the way, but I don't care. You may be leaving sooner then you should be, but you're not leaving me yet. Remember our vows. For richer, or for poorer, in sickness as well as health. I will be here the entire time, and I will not leave you. Ever." You swore, every word more sincere than anything you'd ever said in your life.


You were not going to leave him then, and you weren't going to leave him now.

"I knew the risks as soon as I took them. And frankly, I never gave a shit. Nor do I now. I've got time before I'm gone. And so do you. So let's use that time to spend it together. You and I, until the end. Okay?" 

You took his hands away from his face and looked into his eyes that shone with agony.

"I can't help it." His voice cracked.

"I can't help it that I love you..."

"I love you too, but I don't love seeing you upset. So let's dry those tears, hm? It's unlike Freddie Mercury to cry." You chuckled, beginning to wipe your husband's eyes. 

Freddie smiled a bit and wrapped his arms around you.

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me," He mumbled into your ear. 

"Of course I am, darling." You grinned in a posh accent, making him laugh.

"Didn't know you were trying to copy me, lovie." He smirked, looking more like the Freddie you knew and loved.

You pulled the covers over you and fell asleep, savoring this bittersweet moment in your mind. 

To be continued.

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