Not so bad after all

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Anddd we have a long one coming today, I've actually got ideas for once look at me 😧

Modern AU but imagine 1964 Freddie ☺️🥰🥺 

"Another week, another five days of torture." You grumbled to yourself, parking your car as you drove to the horrible place you absolutely despised with a burning passion that was school.

You had just gotten off summer break a few weeks ago and couldn't wait until you got out of it again next year, though that wouldn't be for many months that you didn't know if you could manage to let pass by as slowly as they would. 

You had it better than some you supposed, you got decent grades and your teachers all liked you, though you weren't so lucky with the students. You were an easy target for bullies and you didn't have any friends, you were either being mocked by your peers or ignored by them. You preferred the latter slightly,  the privacy was certainly peaceful yet you loathed the loneliness. 

You sighed and got to your first period which was art, your favorite subject. You put your backpack under your desk, gasping as you felt a disgusting substance strike your neck. 

"Spitballs? How original." You deadpanned without taking a glance behind you, the sound of your bullies snickering behind you making you desperate for your headphones.  

"Hello class, may I have your attention please?" Your teacher miss Boynton spoke up, your eyes rolling inwardly as you looked up at her and a boy you had never seen before next to her. A quite handsome boy too...

 "We have a new student joining us, everyone give a warm welcome to Farrokh-"

"Freddie." The boy said in an almost whisper, and if you weren't sitting in the front you wouldn't have heard him. 

"Freddie, our newest edition to the school from India." She smiled, the class drawling a drawn out "Hiii" at the boy who just shifted his feet and looked around the room shyly, clearly quite wary and nervous.  

His eyes briefly met with yours, though you gave him a gentle and kind look unlike the bored and uninterested expressions of your classmates, the boy's nerves seemingly calming down at that as he bit his lip.

"I hope you'll all help Freddie settle in and find his way around should he require it, in the meantime why don't you take a seat next to Y/N sweetie?" Ms Boynton's words snapped you out of your trance, making you look up at the boy as he slowly took a seat in the chair next to you.

"Of course Bucky would have to sit next to her." You could hear whispered insults directed at the both of you, and by the way Freddie brought his hand up to his mouth to hide his teeth, it clearly got attention. 

You scowled at them and looked at Freddie, giving him a soft smile which he tentatively returned with his lips sealed.

"Don't let them get to you, they're just assholes...I think you have a really nice smile." You mumbled quietly, a blush coming over the boy at your comment.

"R-Really?" He whispered, his voice making you a bit flustered yourself.

"Really really." You cringed as soon as you said that, but it had the opposite effect on Freddie as he giggled softly, the sound so sweet and cute you were desperate to hear it again. 

The class went by quicker than you thought it would, you caught a glimpse of Freddie's drawing during class and couldn't help but stare, amazed at the talent he had. He looked over and caught you looking, blushing a bit.

Freddie Mercury imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now