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Requested by Knackerlaquer 


Yeee so even if it isn't near Halloween/mah birthday, I am rarely ever one to turn down requests when I receive them since I ask for them too much anyway so here you go darling, I hope you enjoy this as of course I hope everyone else does :) Have at it lovies!


"Have you heard about this Halloween place that just opened up?" Freddie asked you on a cold autumn day, snuggled in bed with you as the two of you watched a movie. 

"No, what is it?" you raised an eyebrow, hour interest piqued at the new topic.

"It's gotten quite good reviews, they say it's truly very scary and almost everyone runs out terrified." He chuckled, smiling contently as you gently toyed with his long hair, a habit of yours neither of you wanted to be broken.

"And you want to check it out?" You questioned, sitting up a bit.

"Yeah, what's the harm? The workers aren't allowed to touch you and it'll be something to do, so why not?" He reasoned.

"I don't know, it may not be as entertaining as it sounds." You bit your lip.

"It's worth a look though! Unless you're too scared." He snickered mockingly.

"N-No I'm not!" You huffed, crossing your arms.

"Then why don't you want to go?" He parroted you crossing your arms with a pout.

"I-I just think there are better things to do." You shrugged.

"Well I think we should at least see what it's about, and if you do get scared I'll be right there at your side to protect you dear." He giggled, kissing your head adoringly as your cheeks lit up.

"Fiiiine...You always get your way, you bastard." You sighed playfully, relaxing as you cuddled up to him again and held him close to you.

"But you love me." He gloated, resting his head on your shoulder.

"Sadly." You drawled sarcastically, earning a dramatic gasp as the two of you giggled and continued to hold each other through the night.

The next day you went to the haunted house that was actually fairly near you, so it wasn't a long walk. 

You got in line and paid for the experience, thanking the person and walked over to the entrance, nearly crushing Freddie with your death grip on him. 

"We haven't even seen one scary thing yet and you're already afraid?" The Persian teased, earning a groan.

"Oh shut up."  You rolled your eyes, still clinging to him as a man in a vampire costume approached you. 

"So, you wish to enter the mansion of madness?' He grinned evilly at you, an unfazed expression on your faces.

"Yes dear, we do." Freddie said simply, though he was excited while you weren't as hesitant but not as into it.

"Well come on in and best of luck, I do hope you don't leave this place unhappy...that is if you can manage to leave this place alive!" He cackled, making you snort at the corniness as you and Freddie went past him.

"See? That guy was cheesy as fuck, it's probably all gonna be like this from start to finish." Freddie remarked, easing your nervousness. 

"Ooo, I wonder if we can get one of them to break character." You smirked wickedly, holding Freddie's hand as you walked through the dark house. 

"How?" Freddie quizzed, seeming to be interested in that idea.

"I don't know, be ridiculous as possible." You laughed a bit.

A Jack in the box popped up at that moment, a demonic cackle escaping it as the two of you jumped in horror.

"More like be as fast as possible!" Freddie yelped, dragging you along with him as the two of you ran away, a clown then jumping out of nowhere at you which made you run in the opposite direction, shrieking in terror.

You ran into a hospital like room, a nurse standing there with a normal enough smile, though the knife she held in her hand was certainly not normal. 

"Oh, you poor things look so frightened...Do you want to lay down and take a breather?" She asked with faux concern, eyeing the two of you pitifully.

"No the hell we don't!' You barely bit back, you and Freddie clinging to each other. 

"Are you sure? I am a nurse you know..." She said with a frown, walking over to the side of the room where mannequins laid on the beds. 

"I like to make sure all my patients are comfortable, and once they are, then they're free to go." She beamed sadistically, cutting the mannequin's head off cheerfully. 

The two of you screamed at the sight and rushed out, coming across a lit up spinning tunnel that would be difficult to pass through.

"Come on." You gulped as you carefully ran through the tunnel with Freddie right behind you, a sneering zombie waiting for you at the end which made you screech louder and run faster.

"Is it over!?" Freddie exclaimed, never having held onto you so firmly before.


You were panting and breathless, a leper calmly approaching you worsening your fear as you ran faster, feeling Freddie let go of you as you heard a thud and whirled around.

"Y/N!" He howled in terror, a horrified expression on his face as you ran back to him and helped him up, running through the house with more terrors making themselves known until you finally escaped.

"Oh shit, oh god, fuck..." Freddie gasped, collapsing onto a nearby bench as the two of you regained your breaths. 

"That was amazing! I loved it!" You exclaimed, a bright smile on your face.

"It was creepy as fuck, I've never seen anything like that before! I would gladly do that again!" 

The whole thing felt like something you'd see only in a horror movie, and it felt like you were actually in a horror movie. You had your doubts before, granted, but it turned out to actually be quite fun and you weren't terribly averse to a repetition of the whole thing.

Freddie however was the opposite, shaking and whimpering in fright which made your giddy mood go down.

"Hey, hey...Freddie it's okay, it's over honey we're out of there." You frowned, sitting next to him and hugging him gently, feeling him cling onto you with need as he trembled in your arms.

"I-I didn't think it'd be th-that scary..." He cried, looking like a traumatized little boy as you just wanted to protect him from every bad thing the world had to offer.

"Oh's okay, none of them laid a hand on you and I wouldn't let them or anyone do that. Let's just go home, yeah? You're safe sweetie." You said softly, helping him to the car as it turned out he scraped his knee from tripping inside the haunted house.

You drove home and couldn't for the life of you get him off you, not that you wanted him off you anyway. He was clearly quite shaken from the whole ordeal, terrified to leave you even for a second. 

"Oh Freddie...there is nothing on this earth that I could ever let hurt you, try and sleep angel." You whispered, rocking him gently which did seem to have a calming effect on him.

"P-Promise you won't leave?' He sniffled, forcing his eyes open as if closing them was painful for him.

"I promise my love...I'm not going anywhere." You murmured lightly, holding him like a baby kitten as he slowly found sleep, small breaths escaping him as he curled into your chest like a koala. 

You smiled a bit at the sight of him asleep, kissing his nose softly and hugging him tightly as you let yourself enter the world of dreams and slumber as well.

The end.

Thank you again for the request dear, I loved writing it! And I've been in a haunted house with my friends before so I used some of my experiences from then in this lol. Hope you enjoyed darlings!

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