See what a fool I've been

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Okay, we've got some angst coming up here just a quick warning. This is another draft I've had for a long time, I'm the kind of writer that can start off writing a story but then get stuck on it for a while not knowing how to write it until it just comes to me later lolll. However, with school right around the corner I've just decided to go on an updating spree lmao. Well, enjoy.

TW: Self harm.


(Three months ago)

You felt your body tremble as you reached for a cup of tea with shaky hands, slowly bringing it up to your lips trying desperately to calm down.

You didn't know what you'd done.

You knew full well what your actions were, but you didn't realize just how much you regretted them. 

With your boyfriend on tour, you were feeling lonely all by yourself. So very lonely.

And it is during times like those that bad decisions are easy to be made.

You had gone clubbing, wanting to have a good time and get fairly wasted. But you had made a terrible mistake.

A grave, terrible mistake.

Guilt was everywhere inside you, and it worsened when Freddie found out himself.

You had laid in bed all morning, the memories of that drunken night returning all at once giving you a headache like you'd never known. 

You knew you had to tell Freddie.

But you weren't sure what was worse. 

The indescribable remorse you felt when you blurted out what you did or the betrayed, horrified  and forlorn look on the singer's face. 

You had never seen him look so unloved before. 

What's worse is how happy he had been moments prior. 

His band's song 'killer queen' had made its way into the charts coming up at second place and he had come home beaming, smiling widely exposing his teeth which he always tried to hide. 

You had taken in his joy and felt even worse, knowing that in a matter of moments you would be breaking his heart. You had burst into tears before you could help yourself, quivering harder when Freddie just took you into his arms and shushed you, holding you gently and whispering words of comfort.

"Don't cry, darling...I've got you, it's okay." He murmured, kissing your forehead and rubbing your back.

Finally, through floods of tears, you had admitted to him the truth that was destroying you inside.

You admitted to him the truth that broke you apart.

(Present, 1975)

"Y/N, come on!" Your cousin whined, pulling you along with her into the front row. 

You winced at the tight grip she had on your arm, biting your lip to conceal any noise. It was her two year anniversary with her husband and she wanted to go to a concert, asking you to come with her to which you reluctantly said yes.

Little did you know who was playing. 

You found out soon enough, as four people came out onto the stage, and your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as you looked at the first. 

His hair had grown longer and he seemed a bit taller, and he was wearing a beautiful white leotard. He had a confident smirk on his face, one that faltered for a moment when he saw you.

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