Let me entertain you

451 11 64

Requested by ILoveMusicLegends

A/N: Okay I am SO SORRY this took so long to make dear, I hope you like it! As for everyone else, feel free to read on. It's a long one since A, I wanted to make up for the missed time I could've wrote it and B,I struggled to write this for a longgg while but at last I've completed it. I personally think I could've done better on this, but if y'all like it then that's what matters to me. Enjoy!


You thanked the bartender as you paid for your drink and sat down on a stool, blocking out the loud music playing and the other people partying around you. 

You had just suffered a bad breakup with your ex boyfriend, you thought things had been going perfect between you two, but that was before you caught him cheating on you the other day and you had messily ended things. 

Your best friend Heather had wanted to help you feel better so she suggested you two go clubbing. You just lazily accepted, not in the mood to refuse and unable to come up with a better way to deal with your misery.

"Isn't this great?" Heather shouted over the music, looking over at you with a grin on her face. 

You shrugged in response, taking a swig of your vodka. 

Heather groaned.

"Come on, are you really gonna just sit here and mope when the whole point of coming here was to actually have fun?" She whined.

"Sorry, not like I was trying to be a buzzkill." You rolled your eyes, sarcasm laced in your tone as you took another sip.

Heather sighed and walked off, no longer being in your sight as she disappeared amongst the crowd of mostly drunk people.

"Stop being so bitter, Y/N. Go and try to actually enjoy yourself for fuck's sakes." Your mind grumbled, mentally slapping you across the face as you lifted the bottle up to your lips once more. 

After a moment you sighed and stood up, abandoning the vodka and starting to dance. 

 You were a bit out of it as the tipsiness consumed you, though you didn't realize that until you accidentally bumped into someone, his drink spilling all over your clothes making you yelp as the liquid slid down your outfit.

"Shit, I'm so sorry." You apologized immediately, looking up at the man. 

He was very handsome, you quickly realized. He was wearing a black jacket and red pants, he had short black hair with brown eyes and a mustache above his upper lip.

"No no, it's alright. Oh fuck, I spilled all over you...wait here." The stranger said, walking off to find some napkins. 

You felt your heart warm at him caring, you assumed he wouldn't give a shit or he'd try to take advantage of you. He seemed like a nice guy..

He came back almost instantly, handing you the napkins bashfully.

"Th-Thank you," You blushed, dabbing at your shirt with the napkins trying to get the champagne off.

"I'm sorry for ruining your shirt, I clearly wasn't looking where I was going." The man frowned apologetically.

"No don't be, it's alright. I didn't like it very much anyway." You chuckled a bit, seeing his facial expression relax.

"Still, no one likes getting their clothes stained dear."

"Dear, is it?" You raised an eyebrow at the term of endearment.

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