2. The diner meeting

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"Don't be so quick to believe what you hear, because lies can spread faster than the truth"

"Don't be so quick to believe what you hear, because lies can spread faster than the truth"

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You were walking down the street to find somewhere you could buy some food or get something to eat. It was late and not many people were on the street.

Then suddenly you got a weird feeling in your body and you stopped up before you looked to the left to see a huge Academy with an umbrella on the front glass doors.

"Hmm. The Umbrella Academy. I wonder what happen to those guys" you said as you kept looking at the building, you got a feel like you have being there before, but you chose to ignore it since you probably believe that the place was famous and everyone knew about it so of course you knew about it.

You then continue down the street but as you walked past the Academy, a black car came driving out of an alleyway, almost hitting you, but you had good reflex, so you reach to stop before jumping back.

The car honk as it drove passed you "ASSHOLE. WATCH WHERE YOU'RE FUCKING DRIVING" you shouted as you gave the person that was driving the finger. 

You couldn't really see the person behind the wheel, but he was not very big, he almost looked like a teenager.

"Dick" you said before you kept walking.

"I hope I never see that Asshole again" 


You were five years old and was holding your mom's hand as she walked up to a huge Academy's front doors. You notice that an umbrella was on the glass doors.

"What are we doing here mom?" you asked "It's a place that can help you with your powers" Ella said before she lifted her free hand up and knocked on the door.

After a minute a man with gray hair, a moustache on and a monocle in his eye opened the door.

"Miss Eversun" he greeted "Reginald" Ella greeted back and Reginald looked down to see you holding your mom's hand, he gave you a smile and you hid behind your mom a bit, 'cause you were a little shy.

Reginald then looked back at Ella "I knew that you would come" he said "I'm not here to give her to you" she said "Then why are you here?" he asked "You were right, her powers are growing and they are up to the point where I can't have her near people or other kids until she have learn how to control them" Ella said "So?" he asked "So. I came here to ask you if you don't mind have her staying here. She will not be living here, I just want her to stay here while I'm working. I will come pick her up every evening and then drop her off every morning around 5:30" she said "And what do you want me to do with her?" he asked "Don't play dumb, Reginald. I don't want you to put her on your missions. I just want you to help her in teaching and train her in how to control her powers" she said and Reginald looked down at you again.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now