30. Come with us

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"Sometimes we don't make choices, we just do what we do"


Five blinked you and him to Elliott's apartment.

When you entered the living room you saw Diego was laying on the couch almost unconscious while Lila was sitting by him, cauterizing a stab wound on his side.

"What happen?" you asked "He was stab" Lila answered "By who?" you asked "Probably by this man you are chasing" she said and you nodded.

Diego was gasping and screaming as Lila was burning the wound.

"Shh! Don't move. This thing is very finicky" Lila said "What happened?" Diego asked "I saved your stupid life" Lila answered "Were you following me?" Diego asked "Uh, hey, how about a little gratitude knife boy. If it wasn't for me, you'd be dead. That's twice now, by the way" Lila said.

Diego's eyes widened as he lifted his head before he looked down at himself to noticed that his clothes was missing and he only had a bed sheet to cover himself.

"Where are my clothes? The hell happened to my clothes?" he asked "I said, don't move" Lila said but Diego began to move and Lila dug the tool into his wound making a sizzling sound causing Diego to scream and groaning in pain before he laid back down, moaning from the pain. "There. That's better" Lila said.

Five let out a sigh as he entered the room "Oh. He isn't dead" he said as he was looking at Diego while he had his hands in his pockets.

"Disappointed?" Lila asked as Five walked towards the coffee table in front of the couch "Oh, to see you? Always" he said with a fake smile as he grabbed a white rag before walking back to stand by the doorway, pressing the rag against the wound on the side of his neck.

"So much hostility in such a tiny package. Did you cut yourself shaving? I could teach you to shave like a big boy, or maybe you and the weird freak girl did something dirty" Lila said.

"Stop calling her that, she has a name" Five hissed at Lila and you looked at him.

Why did he became so angry right there? Why is he so protected of you?

'She is a freak'

"She is a witch, a freak, a weirdo'

'Natalie, we're trying to help you'


"Em" a voice said causing you to snap back to reality and you blinked a few times with your eyes to see Five looking at you "You okay?" he asked and you nodded "Yeah. I'm fine" you said and Five let out a sigh "I just ran into an old family friend" he said as he took the rag off his neck before looking at it.

You then walked over to grabbed a small bowl, filled it with water before you grabbed a rag.

"Come with me Short Pants" you said "Where to?" he asked "Clean that cut" you said as you walked over to your bedroom "There is a first-aid kit in there so come on" you said "Alright" Five said before he followed you into your bedroom.

"Please be quite!" Lila called out as Five closed the door after him.

"Please sit down, so I can see the cut better" you said and he nodded before he sat down on a chair that was next to the bed while you sat down on the bed before grabbing the first-aid kit.

You dip the rag in the water before you started cleaning his cut on the neck, you had your head tilted so you could see his neck better.

Readjusting the rag in your hand, you started dabbing the blood around the cuts lightly before putting the rag on the small night table next to the bed.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now