11. Time changed everything

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"You may not have a lot of things that other people have, but you do have things that a lot of people wish they had, so be grateful for everything in your life, because your life is a lot better than you think"

"You may not have a lot of things that other people have, but you do have things that a lot of people wish they had, so be grateful for everything in your life, because your life is a lot better than you think"

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Ella was furious as she knocked on the Academy's doors.

Reginald opened the door to see Ella "Hello Miss Eversun" he said "Don't 'hello' me, I know what you did, you monster" Ella said aggressive "What are you taking about?" he asked "We had a deal!" she said out loud "I would allow to you train my daughter and teach her into controlling her powers" she said as she clenched her fist "And I have done that" Reginald said "Yeah, but you have put that serum in her, haven't you?" Ella said as she pointed her finger on him "I don't know what your are talking about" he said "Don't you play dumb, I saw her eyes today, they were glowing dark red, so you put that serum in her. I fucking told you that she was not one of your experiments and I also told you that I don't want her on any of your missions and you went behind my back and did it anyway" she said out loud "I needed her for that mission, it's not my fault that it went wrong. She would have died if I hadn't put that serum in her" he said and the anger in Ella raised.

"YOU ARE A FUCKING MONSTER!" she shouted "Easy, you're waking my children" he said "Maybe that's good. Maybe is time for your children and the world to see who you really are and what your plan really is with those seven kids" Ella said and Reginald could see on her face that she was seriously.

He had to be careful now, Ella was not like other people, she could be just as dangerous as he could and you should take her seriously.

"Don't underestimates me, Reggie" she said "What do you want?" he asked "I want you to remove it from her body, now" she said "I can't do that, Miss Eversun. Once it had enter her system, I can't take it out of her" he said "Then remove her powers" Ella said and he raised his brow.

"I don't want my daughter to have a dangerous future and I know it will be dangerous with those powers she have, so I want you to remove them, now" she said.

"Listen, even if I could, it's too dangerous, she is too young. It will kill her and you don't want our daughter to die, do you?" he asked "So is okay to turn her into a witch?" she asked "Listen, I'm sorry about the mission. It went wrong and if I hadn't put that serum in her, she might not have survived. I saved her life" he said "And at the same time, you turned her into a walking timebomb, a grenade just waiting to go off" she said "Your daughter is capable of great things, she can might even changed reality. I know that she will become the most dangerous and powerful person in the whole universe, if you just let me keep train her" he said.

"No. You had your chance. You went behind my back and you just broke the last trust I had in you. So I see no other way now" she said and Reginald raised a brow "My daughter is no longer allow to come here. She is no longer allow to get near this place, you are no longer allow to go near her, and she is no longer allow to see your kids. I want you and your kids out of my daughter's life forever" Ella said as she pointed her finger at him.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now