50. Going back home

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"It might be hard but please don't give up. Stay strong and keep going. Every time we give up, we end up getting disappointed and everytime we give up, we become more likely to give up again in the future. But if we instead keep on going, we will feel happy and proud of ourselves. We become stronger and it becomes easier to move forward in the future"

 We become stronger and it becomes easier to move forward in the future"

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Amy was standing by her car "Are you leaving?" a voice asked and she turned around to see Five walking over to her.

"Yeah, it's for the best" she said and Five nodded.

"Thank you" he said and she looked at him "Thank you for taking care of her, when I couldn't" he said "Thank you for believing in her like I do" Amy said and Five smiled.

"Don't waste one moment with the people you love" she said and Five raised an eyebrow "I know you love her, Five. I can see it in your eyes and I have noticed the way you act around her, the way you look at her. So don't try to deny it or run from it" she said "I'm not plaining on" he said "Then tell her. Tell her that you love her" she said "I don't know how" he said.

"I met a boy name Louis when I was six. His mom and my mom were best friends, so we grew up together. Then at 14 we fell in love, and at 16 we started dating. It was not puppy love, it was ture love and when I was 17, we found out that was pregnant and it was not very good. But Louis was there for me. He proposed and we were planning on running away together. So while I started packing, he ran some errands. When the time for us to meet came, he never showed up. I later found out that he had died in a car accident" she said and Five's eyes widened.

"It broke me, and cause I was 17 and I wasn't married. My dad was in charge and he decided that it was for the best that the baby was taking away from me and she was. They took her from me before I even get the chance to hold her" Amy said before she let out a sigh.

"It was the last straw. I was completely broken. I was thinking about killing myself, but I knew I had to be strong. So when I turned 18, I decided to go out and live my life, 'cause we all have only one life, so we better made the best of it" she said as she looked back at Five.

"Don't waste one moment with Natalie and live your life with her like it was your last day alive and even if you lost her, then the best you can do is live your life for the both of you, 'cause that it was what I decided to do for Louis" she said and he nodded.

"Amy!" a voice called out and you ran up to her and Five "Where are you going?" you asked "I'm leaving. You and your siblings can go home now" she said "What about you?" you asked "I will be okay. I have unfinished business" she said and tears started showing in your eyes.

"I'm gonna find my child. She is out there somewhere" Amy said "But...." you said with tears in your eyes.

"It's okay. I will fine" she said and you nodded "Can't believe that the best friend I have ever had, turns out to be my own Granddaughter" she said causing your and Five's eyes to widened "I don't know how. But it's a feeling. And I also have a feeling that I don't ever get to see you again" Amy said and tears ran down from your eyes.

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