9. The Academy

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"A breakup hurts but losing someone who doesn't respect you is actually a gain, not a loss" 

"A breakup hurts but losing someone who doesn't respect you is actually a gain, not a loss" 

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You were 13 and was helping Diego with his homework "If you take these two numbers and multiply with those two numbers you have the answer" you said as you pointed on the numbers.

"Okay that makes sense, thank you" Diego said as he wrote it down "You're welcome" you said.

"How is it that you understand this and I don't?" Diego asked "'Cause I'm smarter" you said "Don't get started" he said with a smile.

"Talie, I want you to know that no matter what Dad say, you are a part of the family and you always will be" he said and you smiled "Thanks Diego, I actually see you guys as a second family. I mean I love you like siblings" you said "Except Five, you don't love him like a brother, you love love him" Diego said with a smile and you rolled your eyes "If you and Five ever get married or if you get married with someone else I wanna be the one walking you down the aisle" Diego said "I already promise Klaus" you said and Diego let out a sigh "But I guess you both can do it" you said and he smiled "Let's just continue" you said before you both look down at the math.

"Number Two" a voice said causing you and Diego to looked up "Go upstairs, I need to talk to Natalie" he said but Diego didn't move as he was scared that his father would do something to you "It's okay, Diego. Just go" you said and he looked at you.

You sent him a nod which he returned before he grabbed his things "Bye" he said to you before running upstairs.

Reginald then took a step closer to you as you stood up. 

Five saw Diego walking up the stairs "Diego, I thought Nat was helping you with your homework" Five said "Yeah, but dad told me to go upstairs cause he wanted to talk to Talie" Diego said "Dad is with Nat?" Five asked and Diego nodded "Alone?" Five asked and Diego nodded again.

Five then blink away before he appeared just outside the living room and once he spotted you and Reginald, he blink up to the balcony before hiding behind the pillar so both you and Reginald wouldn't see him 

"Did I do something wrong?" you asked "You're a danger to this world, Natalie. Your powers are too strong and powerful and they might even change reality" Reginald said.

"What?" you asked confused. You know that you were getting a bit better in using your powers and explore new things with them. But you didn't understand what Reginald just told you, that you were a danger to the world. You knew that they were strong and powerful, but after your talk to Five, you don't feel scared of your powers.

"I don't understand. How can I be a danger to this world, if I don't even know everything about my powers yet?" you asked "That's what I'm scared of, Natalie. Your powers are hard to master. It would take years, decades" he said "But you told me you can help me. That you can help me control them. You promised me and my mom" you said as you clenched your fist.

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