4. Absolutely nothing

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"Never regret a day in your life, good days give happiness, bad days give experience, the worst days give lessons and the best days give you memories"

"Never regret a day in your life, good days give happiness, bad days give experience, the worst days give lessons and the best days give you memories"

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You were 10 years old, and you, Five and the others was all in the living room playing a game that was about you drawing something and then your team shall guess what it is.

"Okay, my turn" Ben said before he got up and picked up a marker, ready to write on the board.

"Okay, you have 10 seconds and the time starts now" you said and Ben started drawing.

The others raised a brow as they narrowed their eyes, trying to see what it is that Ben was drawing.

"Time's up" Allison said and Ben stepped aside to reveal what it is he had drawn.

The others narrowed their eyes. It was a very ugly drawing of a clown.

"What is that?" Klaus asked "Who is that, is it Luther?" you asked and Luther sent you a glare "No, it's a clown" Ben said "Sorry clown" you said to the drawing causing the others to chuckled while Luther sent you an angry glare.

"You know you have being picking on me since you met us and people say that if a girl picks on a guy, she has a crush on him" Luther said "Yeah, but I don't pick on a guy. I pick on you" you said causing the others to laugh.

"That was on you, Luther" Diego said with a laugh and Luther looked at you with an angry glare but Five sent him a killer glare.

"Look who is here to protect her, the boyfriend" Luther said "Hey" you and Five said "We're not dating" you two said "But you two will one day" Klaus said and Five rolled eyes.

"I have a feeling that in 20 years, Five are gonna be Tilly's second husband" Klaus said and you looked him "What happen to my first husband?" you asked "Nothing you can proof" Five, Diego and Klaus joked causing you to chuckled.

You and Five looked at each other with a smile trying to not to show that you were both blushing.

"You are so adorable" Ben said "One day you two will get married" Klaus said which cause you and Five to look confused at Klaus without saying anything.

"To each other" Klaus said "Ugh!" "Ew!" you and Five said as you looked at each other "Mmm-mm. That's not gonna happen, Klaus" Five said as he looked back at Klaus "Never ever. That is so gross" you said "Nat and I are friends" Five said "Come on, imagine the love story you will tell your kids one day. The stubborn and irresponsible boy and the sweet, kind and calm girl fell for each other" Klaus said while the others laughed "Stop it guys" you said but they kept teasing you and Five.

"Come on just kiss already" Klaus said "Gross" you and Five said but the siblings kept making kissing sounds.

Then it knocked on the door and Pogo who was the monkey butler walked over before he opened door.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now