28. The Frankel Footage

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"Sometimes we get so wrapped up in getting what we want that we forget to ask ourselves why we wanted it in the first place"

"Sometimes we get so wrapped up in getting what we want that we forget to ask ourselves why we wanted it in the first place"

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You were sitting outside the bording school, hugging your knees while sobbing.

"You okay?" a voice said and you looked up to see Toby, looking down at you while he had his hands in his pockets.

"Go away" you sob, but instead he sat down next to you "What's wrong?" he asked but you kept sobbing.

"Hey, you can tell me" he said as he moved closer to you "I'm a monster and a freak, a witch" you sob "No, no, you are not" Toby said "Yeah, I am Toby, just admit it" you said as you looked at him "My powers can kill" you said "So can mine, I mean I can control elements, so I can kill people too" he said "Yeah, but your powers are different, mine is made to destroy and kill, not create" you said.

"Well, I don't see them as dangerous and neither does Sabrina" he said "Everyone else does" you said "Don't listen to what everyone else say or think, only focus on what you think of yourself" he said and you looked at him "You need to see the beauty in your powers and not the danger in them. I do the same, that's how I control them, plus I have an anchor" he said "An anchor?" you asked "An anchor is someone or something you care a lot about more than anything and anyone else. It work better if the anchor is a person. That person is someone who you want to protect with your life, someone who can pull you back from the darkness. Someone who is important to you, someone you love" he said "What if I don't have one?" you asked "Then you be your own anchor until you find the one. Or you find a focus point, a happy memory, a voice, even a song can work sometimes" he said and you nodded.

Toby then looked around making sure that nobody was around.

"Watch this" he said before he looked at the small lake in front of you and he lifted up his hands, moving a small part of the water up in the air.

He then got up before he walked down to the empty lake as the water was floating in mid air.

"What are you doing?" you asked as he bent down picking something up from the ground before walking back to you.

As soon as he sat down next to you, the water fell down from the air, returning to the lake.

"Here" Toby said as he opened his palm to see a round small black stone "What is that?" you asked "You are like this" he said "Like a stone?" you asked "That's how other people see you and because of that you also see yourself like that, but...." he said before he opened the stone.

Inside the stone was there a beautiful bright red stone crystal.

"I see you as this" he said and you looked at him "You need to see yourself as this, Nat. Don't listen to what others think or say. Believe in yourself" he said before he moved the stone towards you "For you" he said and you took the stone from him before you looked at the bright red crystal inside.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now