49. The end of something

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"Slow small but consistent steps are better than significant, fast but inconsistent steps. Consistency is the best way to progress and move forward"

 Consistency is the best way to progress and move forward"

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You and Five kept your eyes on Lila as she kept the knife in front of herself as the others followed behind Diego.

"The Handler stole you, Lila. Just like our asshole father took all of us, just like he tried to steal Tilly" Diego said as he walked closer to her "No. It's not the same thing" Lila said as she had the knife pointed at all the others around her.

"You're right. Because he didn't have our parents murdered" Diego said as he put his hands out towards her "Listen to me, Lila. You were born October 1, 1989, the same day as all of us" he said as everyone stepped closer to her "Stay back!" she shouted while still holding the knife as the rest surrounded them.

Luther moved so he was near you with Allison followed next to him.

"Hey! Hey, stop! Wait. Wait. Hey!" Diego shouted, trying to calm Lila down as Klaus, Vanya, Luther and Allison circled around Lila while keeping a distance from her.

"Lila? Lila, stop" Diego said "I trusted you" Lila said with tears in her eyes "I got you a job, I even introduced you to my mother, and then you took off on me" she said "Because I needed to save the world!" Diego said out loud and Lila lowered the knife while Diego let out a sigh.

"She's using you, Lila. The Handler" he said "You're wrong" Lila said as she shook her head "She raised me. She loves me" she said "Yeah, you know what?" Luther said and Lila looked at him "Love shouldn't have to hurt this much" he said causing you and Five to look at each other.

Lila stared at him before she opened her mouth and she did a fake gag while making a gag noise at his words causing his face to drop "All right, I tried" he said "He's right. We have to kill her" Five said and stepped closer to her, inching up on her "Hey! Five! Five, stop" Diego shouted at him and Five stopped "I got it" he said and Five glanced at Diego before looking back at Lila, wanted to give Diego the chance but was still ready.

"Hey, Lila" Diego as he looked back at her and she looked at him "Truth? She's dangerous. And you're scared of what she'll do with all that new power. That's why you dragged me to The Commission. Because I know what it's like to love dangerous people" he said.

"I know the feeling" both Five and you said inside your heads before you glanced at each other and gave each other a quick smile.

"Difference is..." Diego said and glanced at his siblings before he looked back at Lila "They love me back" he finished "Shut up" Lila said as she pointed the knife at him again.

"The only thing she loves is power. Now, the minute she can't use you, she will turn on you, and deep down, I know you know that" Diego said and Lila shook her head "You don't know me, Diego" she said and he stepped closer to her so the knife touched his jacket and the blade was inches from his chest "Don't I?" he asked and you could see the tears in Lila's eyes.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now