10. I think I like you

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"You can't let fear of failure keep you from trying"

"You can't let fear of failure keep you from trying"

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Five and his siblings were all sitting outside the medical room, waiting.

"Please let her be okay" Diego said "I swear if she dies, I will summon her" Klaus said "I really hope she will be okay" Ben said "I should have protected her" Diego said before he looked at Luther "It's your fault" he said "How is it my fault?" Luther asked "You are Number One. You are the one in charged. You should have being leading" Diego said "How did I know that---" "Guys stop fighting, it gets us nowhere. Beside this is not what Talie would have wanted" Allison said.

Tears ran down Five's eyes as his whole body was shaking.

He looked down at his hands to see them shaking, he tried to make it stop, but they kept shaking.

Then someone grabbed his hand and he looked to the left to see Vanya sitting next to him.

"It's okay. She is gonna be okay" she said "What if she's not. I can't live without her....I can't.....I" he said, trying to hold back his tears "It's my fault, and if she dies I will never be able to forgive myself and not live with myself. She is my center point and I can't lose her" he quietly as he was sobbing a bit.

"Tilly is strong. Stronger than she knows, she will be okay and live" Vanya said "And if she don't. I will never find anyone like Natalie Eversun. I don't want to live in a world without her" he said "Don't say that, if something did happen to her, she wanted you to live your life for the both of you" Vanya said before she wrapped her arms around Five, comforting him "I just don't think I can live in a world that doesn't have her in it" he sob quietly.

Then Reginald opened the door to the medical room to see all the kids waiting.

They all looked up and Five rushed over to his dad "How is she? Is she alright? Is she dead?" he asked said, trying to hold back his tears, he didn't know what he would do if he lost you. You were his world, his future, his light, his happiness, his reason to live and to fight, you were his everything.

"Kids...." Reginald started and it was like all the kids held their breaths, scared of what he would say.

"Natalie is gonna be fine. She will live" he said and the the kids breathe out in relief as they all smiled, happy over that you were gonna be okay.

"Can I see her?" Five asked his dad "Not now. She is resting. But in a few hours" Reginald said as he looked at his children "Now, get changed and do your chores. Natalie need rest and a lot of it" Reginald said and the kids nodded before leaving but Five stayed.

"Number Five. Do as you're told. Natalie is okay. But she need rest, you can't see her now" Reginald said and Five sent his dad an angry glare before walking away.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now