12. Probability map

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"Having a soulmate is not always about love, you can find your soulmate in a friendship too"

"Having a soulmate is not always about love, you can find your soulmate in a friendship too"

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You were 13 and you and Luther was training together. It went well for the first few minutes.

But then it was like you lost control, like something took over your body which cause your eyes to glow dark red before you lifted Luther up in the air.

"Natalie" Luther said before he grunt in pain but your eyes kept glowing dark red.

"Nat" Five shouted and you turned around to see Five, Allison, Klaus, Ben and Diego standing with their dad.

"Put him down" Five said and you looked at Five as tears flowed down your cheeks.

Five's expression softened as he stepped forward, ignoring his father's calls.

He walked towards you and held your arm "Hey...it's okay....come on, put him down...." he said, and as you stared into his soft green eyes, you gain back control causing you to put Luther down before falling down on your knees.

Five sat down on his knees in front of you before he hesitated wiped your tears away. He hesitated because he saw your eyes were glowing dark red. He never saw your eyes glow dark red and he had a feeling that it was not good.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" you cried and Five wrapped his arms around you before pulling you close, so your face was buried into his chest "It's okay. I'm here. I'm always going to be here and I'm not going anywhere" he said.

Pogo looked at Reginald who just smiled 'cause he knew what was happening to you. You were getting stronger, your powers were evolving.


Five was walking towards his room when he suddenly heard Klaus "Oh, boy..." he said from inside of his room.

Five looked down to see saw bloody footsteps leading to Klaus' room.

His eyes followed the red stains of blood on the floor to see that they started in the bathroom before going to Klaus' room.

Five put his hands in his pockets before he walked over to the door and knocked on the door "Hey, you okay?" he asked and Klaus turned around to see Five in the door way "Hey. Yeah, I just...Long night" he said and let out a chuckled and Five knew something was wrong, his brother was not himself. He sounded broken.

"More than one, from the looks of it" he said "Yeah" Klaus said as he put on a shirt "Don't remember the dog tags" Five said, looking at the dog tags around Klaus' neck and Klaus let out a grunt "Yeah, they belonged to a friend" he said as you could hear the dog tags jingle and Five leaned his left shoulder against the door frame while he kept his eyes on Klaus.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now