38. Talking with Reginald

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"Believe in life and everything it has to offer you"

"Believe in life and everything it has to offer you"

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"Look, forget about the president. We have a catastrophic war coming in five days. We need to figure out how to stop it" Five said "War? Men will always be at war with each other" Reginald said "No, this isn't just some war. We're talking about a doomsday. The end of the world" Five said "Well...you're the special ones, aren't you? Why don't you band together and do something about it?" Reginald said.

Then suddenly Klaus shot his arms up into the air while his body convulsed as he started gasping.

"Is he having a seizure?" Allison asked "Overdosing probably" Diego said, still looking down at the table "Should we do something?" Luther asked as Klaus let out shuddering grunt. "Klaus! Now is not the time. What are you doing?" Five asked him "Is he okay?" you asked, a little worried.

Klaus then turned to Reginald as he was distorted gurgling "I'm..." he said "Out with it, boy" Reginald said "Ben" Klaus said before he let out a gasp as he fell off the chair and down on the floor, panting and shuddering.

"Well...Thank you for coming" Reginald said as he grabbed his notebook before standing up "I've seen about enough" he said before he turned around and stepped over Klaus "No, I..." Luther said as Reginald kept walking away.

Luther then slammed his fists down on the table before he stood up causing everyone to turn to him. He then ripe his shirt off to reveal his ape like body "Look at what you did to me" Luther said and Reginald looked at him "Look at it!" Luther shouted while Allison tried not to laugh.

"Oh, shit. Why?" Five said as he leaned back back in his chair.

Reginald then looked at Five "You in the culottes" he said as he pointed at Five who looked at him and Reginald then looked at you, he could see in your eyes that some strong and mighty power swells inside of you. You were really powerful and strong, more powerful and stronger than the others combining.

Therefore he wanted to talk to you, so he can study you some more, if you are really from the future, he can use that and he can use you for his plan. He just need to study you some more to proof to himself that you really are the person he have a feeling that you are.

"And you girl" he said causing you to look at him "A word, in private?" he asked before he turned around and walked towards the door.

"Check please" Allison said out loudly as she pointed her finger in the air.

"Come on Darling" Five said as he walked after Reginald and you nodded before you got up and followed after Five and Reginald.

"Well, that went well" you said sarcastically to Five "My siblings made it a shit show. As usual. I don't know why I expected them to do this one thing" he annoying "Don't be so hard on them, your dad is giving you another chance to explain yourself, so that's a plus right?" you said but Five didn't answer as he just nodded.

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