25. Four months

147 3 1

"Sometimes you get so broken that you turn into something that isn't you"

"Sometimes you get so broken that you turn into something that isn't you"

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You and Five were in courtyard at the Academy by a large oak tree. 

Five grabbed onto the branches, hoisting himself up and sitting on a stable one "No fair, I can't climb up" you whined "It's not that high up. Just a couple steps, you can do it" he encouraged.

You grabbed onto a branch, attempting to pull yourself up, but Five could see you were struggling.

"I--I can't" you sighed "Here, give me your hand, I'll pull you up" he reached out his hand, wrapping the other one around the branch. 

You stared at him unease but grabbed his hand and he pulled you up with all the strength he had.

"There you go. You just climbed a tree" he smiled "You know what would be nice to have one day?" you asked "What?" he asked "A treehouse. Somewhere we could get away from all the chaos. It'd be our little sanctuary" your fingers interlocked with his and the two of you look at each other "I'd love to share a treehouse with you" he said before you both smiled.


You were sitting on the couch with the newspaper, looking for a job while Amy was looking for a place to live.

Since Amy was 18 she had no problem in finding a job and she was now looking for place she could afford, but it was not cheap.

In those four months you and Amy have being staying a Elliott, you and her had grow really closed and became best friend.

You had also grow close with Elliott, he was like a father figure for you and Amy.

"Find anything?" Amy asked "No. And it's hard" you said as you put the newspaper aside before getting up "And no one have reported me missing" she said as you ran your fingers through your hair "Maybe I'm not someone you miss" you said "That is bullshit, I have only know you for four months and I know I'm gonna miss you when you leave" Elliott said "Yeah me too. I mean you are my best friend" Amy said "Then why has nothing happen" you said "Patience Emily. Your memories will come back and you will find your family" Amy said "Well, some pictures is started showing" you said "Just don't stress yourself, the doctor told you to be patience with it" Elliott said as he went to his bedroom and you nodded before you walked over to looked at the black and the white indistinct pictures.

The first picture showed a guy. He had landed in 1960 and he looked a bit homeless because of his clothes and his slim figure.

The next picture showed a woman while long curly locks of hair and a leather jacket. Her style didn't fit the 60'

The next picture showed a huge man and as you looked closer at the picture, the side of your heard hurt a bit causing you to let out a sigh.

The next picture showed a guy dress in black and the last picture showed a woman in white.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now