18. Memories awakening

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"You have to stick to what you're good at, if you believe in something then stick with it, give it your best shot, try your hardest, as long as you've tried your best, you can't ever be upset with the result, so good luck to everyone that's following their dreams.


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After have being in one of the many bathrooms, thinking while trying to control yourself. You put your hands by the sink before you look yourself into the mirror.

"I have to remember" you said before you took a deep breath.

You had to remember everything, you want to remember everything and Allison was the only one that could help you with that. So you have to find her and you knew where she was going.

You walked out of the bathroom before going towards the front door.

"Miss Natalie" a voice said and you turned around to see Pogo "I'm sorry about before" you said "It's okay. You were emotional and your emotions are connected to your powers. So nothing to be sorry for, I should have told you the truth earlier" he said.

"I could see that telepathy was one of my powers, is that true?" you asked and he nodded "Why can't I control it?" you asked "You can, your powers are kind of reloading right now and they are not fully done yet. So from now on you need to focus. And for the telepathy, you have to control to pick who you want to hear" he said "That's good, 'cause I don't want to hear everyone thoughts, I will just lose my mind and freak out" you said before you took a deep breath.

"Why do I keep having a flashback about me killing someone?" you asked.

"I heard a rumor....that you forgot you killed those people"

"Oh my good" you said as your eyes widened while your brain and mind started hurting a bit as your vision became fuzzy and blurry.

"Allison rumored me" you said "She had no choice, Reginald force her. You were badly injured on that mission when you were trying to protect Five and his siblings. And when you woke up Reginald knew you would freak out and lose control when you found out that you killed those people, so he force Allison to rumor you and the rest of the kids into forgetting that you ever killed those people and you were just hurt cause something went wrong. He did it to keep you and everyone safe" Pogo said before he took a deep breath.

"As you grow older, you were having problems controlling your powers. It was as if your powers were uncontrollable, and when you went on another mission you accidentally killed again and Reginald was scared that you would end up hurting the kids. So to keep your training and to avoid trauma, Reginald force Allison to made you forget that you killed those people" he said "And she also rumored the others?" you asked and he nodded.

"When she rumored you into forgetting about Five and the others, it was too much for your brain. It got damaged it 'cause it was so many memories" he said and you looked down "So the doctors lied, my brain is fucked became of what Allison did" you said "Only half of it, the rest is from the accident at the college" he said.

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