23. Saving the world

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"Truth is, it's not the stab in the back that kills you, it's when you turn around and see who's holding the knife"

"Truth is, it's not the stab in the back that kills you, it's when you turn around and see who's holding the knife"

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Five walked into the motel, before he walked over to the room and towards a door that was on ajar.

The sound of water bubbling was heard as Five opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind him before walking farther in.

He let out a sigh before he stopped in the middle of the room as he saw Agens strapped to a chair with tape over her mouth.

"You must really like doughnuts" Five said as he spotted a table filled with doughnuts "Help me" Agens mumbled from the tape.

"It's been a while" The Handler said as she laying on the bed "Three days" Five said "For you, maybe. But for me, it's been a lot longer since I've seen those adorable little shorts" she said "Well, you've had time to heal" Five said.

She let out a sigh before she got up and walked towards a table that was few feet in front of Five "Luckily, for the both of us, time...is the one thing my organization has abundance of" she said as she looked at him.

"Got your message, by the way" Five said as he hold up the message "Nice packaging, but so much for Commission protocol" he said as she grabbed a shrimp tail from the small table filled with food before she let out a chuckled.

"There have been...a lot of changes since you left the Commission" she said and stepped closer to him.

"You really did some damages" she said before eating the shrimp tail and she crossed her arms in front of her chest "The briefcases were all but destroyed, to say nothing of the...highly trained personnel you killed. After all, what is an institution if not---" "What do you want?" Five asked, cutting her off.

"To be happy. To have a simple...unfettered life, to...do the work my superiors require" she answered before she turned around and walked over to the couch "But...you being here, well, it complicates all that" she said and sat down on the couch.

"Billions of people are about to die tonight" Five said and Agnes let out a whimpered sound "You can change that" he said "Tonight, tomorrow. So little difference in the scheme of things" she said and Five rolled his eyes.

"You used to be tough and heartless, Five. What happen to you?" The Handler asked "Nothing" Five said "Did something change you or did someone?" The Handler asked and Five looked at her "People are going to die, you can still change it" he said "This apocalypse need to happen, therefore I can't have anyone trying to stop it" The Handler said.

"That's why you want Nat to die? You know she is the only one with the power strong enough to stop the apocalypse. You know that she is a big threat to you and The Commission. The stronger she gets, a bigger threat she becomes, so you want to get rid of her" Five said before he took a deep breath "Why?" he asked "She is too powerful" she said "That is not a good explanation on why you want her dead" he said.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now