46. Our greatest strength is family

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"Everyone has the right to choose who they want to spend time with, when they want to spend time with them and how long they want to spend time with them" 

"Everyone has the right to choose who they want to spend time with, when they want to spend time with them and how long they want to spend time with them" 

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You were in your room when it knocked on the door and Five enter "Hey" you said to each other.

"Nat. I want to apologize" he said "You don't have to apologize, I'm the one that have to apologize, for hurting you, almost killing you" you said "You lost control and that's okay" he said and you looked at him.

You called me out and taught me tough
With love, with love
You fought my flaws, my teeth, my claws
With love, with love

"But I'm also the one that shall apologize, I should have told you everything, but I was scared and I'm sorry, okay" he said.

You knew that when Five say he is sorry, when he said it like that, you knew that he means it and Five knew it too.

You nodded with a small smile "So are you okay?" he asked "I would lie if I said yes. No I am not alright" you said "What is wrong?" he asked.

"I'm scared that what happen the other day would repeat itself and that I would lose control and kill everyone I care about, include you" you said "That wouldn't happen" he said "How would you know that?" you asked "Because you are strong enough to keep in control" he said "I'm dangerous Five, alright" you said.

'Cause every time I'm slipping away from myself
You're the one that moves me like nobody else

"Hey" he said as he grabbed your hands "I am not scared of you, and either is Vanya, Diego, or Klaus or the rest of our family, you are not a monster, and I don't believe that you would ever hurt any of us and if you ever lost control I will be there and keep you calm just like I did the other day, and I would not let you hurt anyone or would I ever let anything happen to you, I promise" he said "How do I know that you will be there" you said "You are the most important person in my life and therefore I will never hurt you or leave you, I promise" he said and you looked at him.

'Cause when I'm down and I'm done
And I'm coming unplugged
When I'm ready to fall
You're the one always holding me up with love
Oh, no, no, mmm

"I don't believe that you will ever hurt me. You can keep in control because you are strong, stronger than you know" he said and you let out a sigh "I did it before" you said "It was only because of what happen and that's not gonna happen again" he said.

"Then I will do my best, because as long as you believe in me, I will never stop fighting" you said and he smiled "I'm so proud of you for never giving up, even when times get hard. You're the strongest person I know and you are worth for me to fight until my very last to have you in my life. If you ever need anything, I am always here for you" he said before you two just stared into each other's eyes.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now