37. A light supper

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"The world is full of freedom and love for you to find"

"The world is full of freedom and love for you to find"

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Five stopped in front of a tall building, he looked down at the paper in his hand to see if he got the address right and he has.

The Handler's words were still in his head.

"She is gonna be the death of you Five Hargreeves, one day she is gonna die in your arms again and this time, she will stay dead and you wouldn't be able to save her"

"She is gonna die because of you. Just like what happen back at the theater"

"You are a danger to her. She is gonna get hurt because of you"

"Five" a voice said which cause Five to snapped out of his thoughts before he turned to see you walking up to him.

"Em, how did you know---" "When were you gonna tell me?" you asked "About what?" he asked "About Reginald putting that serum in me. Experimented on me. Putting me in my younger body and then in a coma for six years?" you asked and Five's eyes blinked a few times "You remember?" he asked "No. But Luther told me" you said "Of course, he never know when to keep his mouth shut" Five said.

"When were you gonna tell me?" you asked "Well, I was going to, but I wanted to do it slowly, 'cause I was scared that it would be too much information to you and it would fucked up your brain" he said "I just wish you would have told me back at the apartment where we were talking in the living room" you said "Would you have handled it better if I have told you?" he asked "I don't know" you said.

"I'm sorry okay, for everything. You're right, I should have told you sooner. I was a shitty friend every since I came into your life and you don't deserve that" he said "Five Hargreeves is confessing and being soft right now" she said and he let out a sigh "I want to say every word I want to say to you because I want to cherish every single second that I am with you right now. I don't care if I look or sound soft today, tomorrow or the next few weeks, months and years. I just want to know, right now. I'm sorry" he said.

"Well, then I accept your apology" she said "You are not mad at me anymore?" he asked "No, I was never mad at you, but now when the apocalypse will happen in a few days, I might as well forgive you, 'cause I don't want to be angry at you when the world ends" you said "We can stop this apocalypse" he said said and you nodded "Beside even so you don't see it yourself, you are actually a good guy, and after what you have told me, you also deserve happiness" you said.

"I'm only fully happy when I'm with you 'cause you are my happiness and my forever" Five said inside his head which cause you to smile cause you read his mind.

"Come, let's go" he said and you nodded before you two walked towards the entrance.

Five pushed one door open and held it open as you walked through it "Thank you" you said with a smile as he walked in after you before putting his hands in his pockets as the two of you walked up the stairs before you walked towards the elevator.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now