16. The day that was

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"Keep the people that was there when you had nothing because they are the people that loves you"

"Keep the people that was there when you had nothing because they are the people that loves you"

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WEDNESDAY. 8:15 am (...Again)

"Hold on. Hold on the phone. We all died fighting this thing the first time around. Remember?" Klaus said "Klaus, shockingly, has a point. What gives us a win this time?" Diego asked.

But then there was an electricity crackled noise before sudden bright flashing light appeared right above the middel of the bar counter causing you and the others to look up.

"What the hell?" you asked as there was a loud static crackling sound coming from the ceiling.

Blue light filled the air right above the middle of the bar before Five fell through the light and onto the counter on top of a briefcase.

"Je---Jesus!" Allison said as you and everyone else jumped back while Five grunted.

Five had a giant crimson red stain from the side of his shirt and a few spots of blood on his blazer. His hands also had blood on them.

"You guys, am I still high, or do you see him, too?" Klaus asked as you all looked at Five.

"Where the hell have you been, Five?" you asked "Five, where have you been?" Luther asked as Five rolled off the counter and when he rolled off he almost felled to the floor.

"Are you all right?" you asked as you caught him before he felled.

You grabbed his arms, stopping him from falling before holding him up as you helped him stand. "You okay?" you asked and he looked at you "Natalie" he said as he was happy over that you were alive again.

You scanned him up and down his cheeks were soaked with tears, his eyes red and puffy. His attention instantly snapped to you, a look of relief washing over his dread filled face. You stared him up and down confused. His lips started to quiver and a few tears slid down his cheeks as he stared at you "Five what happen?" you asked.

But instead of answering he threw his arms around you, engulfing you into a tight hug. His body shook slightly, small cries escaping his lips.

"Okay?" you said a little bit confused.

You didn't know what's up with Five, but it seems severe, damaging even. And that both confused and scared you, that something, someone was able to break him into million pieces.

"Hey, hey it's okay" you said, tightening your grip on Five.

His cries grew louder as he held onto you like the world depended on it.

The others looked confused at you and Five. 

"Sorry" he said as he pulled away with a grunt.

"I just experienced something, that I think will haunt me for the rest of my life" he said "And what was that?" you asked but Five didn't answer before he just let out a grunt in pain.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now