41. Memories found

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"Warriors are not the ones who always wins, but the ones that always fight"

"Warriors are not the ones who always wins, but the ones that always fight"

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(A/N: Long chapter, but worth it)

"So that's what the surprise was at the end of the day, watching the stars and then watching the sunrise together. In a place far from Dallas" you said and Amy nodded "I think it would be a good time to end the moment" she said "You know, I love watching the stars, the sunset and the sunrise" you said "Me too" she said "What about your little sister?" you asked "She loved being up late" Amy said with a small smile "I'm sorry you lost them and I'm really sorry about the story you told me about you losing your first love, and your baby being taking away from you" you said "It's okay. I know she is out there somewhere" she said "Are you gonna find her?" you asked "I don't know yet. But I've learned how to move on from the past. You and Elliott help me with that" she said "How so?" you asked "Well, you kinda became my second family. At least for those four months, we shared some fun times together. Moments that I will remember forever" she said and you smiled before you wrapped your arms around Amy "I'm gonna miss you" she said.

You pulled away before looking at her "Let's head back" you said "Yeah, Elliott is probably worried. I will drop you off" she said "What about you?" you asked "There is some things I need to do. But I will be back later" Amy said and you nodded.

As you got into the car, you felt your hands were shaking a bit and your heart was racing, it felt like something was happening or about to happen, or something already had happen.


Five pulled up the briefcase from a dumpster as Luther ran up to him "Where is anyone?" Luther asked "You're the first" Five said "What?" Luther asked "Yeah" Five said before he looked around "Where the hell is Em?" he asked "I thought you found her" Luther said "I couldn't, then I thought she was here, but she isn't" Five said.

Then they spotted Klaus came running at the end of the alley with his hands stretched out to the sides. He almost ran straight into the wall as he turned down the alley.

"We made it" he said as he ran down the alley before he stopped in from of them "What do you mean 'we'?" Five asked but Klaus just moved one of his hands beside his face.

The two looked confused at Klaus as he started groaning and grunting "Get out" he said almost choking out his words while letting out a shuddering grunts.

"Out" Klaus said before he put his hands to his stomach as he hunched over before vomiting on the ground by his feet.

Klaus let out a groan as he fell to the ground, still holding his stomach.

"I can't believe it. I mean, you're here" Luther said, the two knew that if anyone of the siblings would be late, it would be Klaus.

"We've got eight minutes left" Five said as he looked at his watch. "I just had the strangest dream" Klaus said as he was laying on the ground while whimpering.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now