14. Secrets revealed

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"Be who you wanna be and be proud"

"Be who you wanna be and be proud"

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A knocked on the door was heard and Ella walked over to the door before opened it to reveal Reginald with Allison "What are you doing here? Don't make me call the cops" she said "Listen, we both know that we can't keep our kids away from each other" Reginald said "Then what do you suggest we do?" she asked "I can make your daughter forget that she have ever met and know my children" he said "How?" she asked and Reginald put a hand on Allison's shoulder causing Ella to look down "Number Three here can rumor anyone to do anything even making them forget" he said "How do you know that it will work?" Ella asked "'Cause I tried it before when they were four and it is still working" he said "Okay. Then make my daughter forget that she had ever met and know The Umbrella kids" she said and Reginald nodded.


You were sitting on her bed when suddenly the door opened to reveal Allison and Reginald.

"Allison" you said as you rushed over to Allison, wrapping your arms around her.

"I have missed you so much" you said "Me too, Talie" Allison "Why are you here?" you asked as you pulled away "Come" Allison said before you two walked over and sat down by the bed.

"What's wrong?" you asked as you could see how sad Allison looked. 

Allison looked at her dad that was standing in the doorway and he nodded.

She then looked back at you "I'm so sorry for this Talie" she said "Sorry for what?" you asked confused and Allison took a deep breath "I heard a rumor..." she started as she used her powers on you.

"That you fell asleep and when you wake up the next morning you have forgotten that you have ever met and know Five Hargreeves, his siblings and the rest of The Umbrella Academy" her voice echoing as an energy wave travled out of her mouth before it went into your ears causing your eyes to turn white for a few seconds before changing back to normal as she finished her rumor.

"I'm tired" you said with a yawn "I better go. It's getting late" Allison said "Well, see you tomorrow, Ally" you said and Allison hugged you "Have a good life you, it was nice knowing you" Allison mumbled before she pulled away, got up and left with her dad.


Five was sitting on his bed waiting. His dad had told him and his siblings to get ready for bed before sitting on their bed waiting. Five wondered why, 'cause their dad has never told them to something like this.

Five turned his head to look at a picture of him and you together with the rest of his siblings "I miss you Nat. I hope I see you again tomorrow. Knowing you is the only reason I have not left this place and tried to time travel. I will not let them tear us apart. And don't worry, tomorrow I will blink to your house and then two of us are running away together. I'm gonna take you with me on my time travel, I will make sure you see the places you want to see and the two of us can just live our lives without anyone to ruin it" he said.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now