22. Vanya cause the apocalypse

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"Starting all over again is not that bad, because when you restart, you get another chance to make things right"

"Starting all over again is not that bad, because when you restart, you get another chance to make things right"

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Luther, Klaus, Diego and Allison all watched in horror as the Academy had collapsed to the ground.

There was nothing left, everything was in ruins.

"Mom. Mom" Diego shouted as he dropped to the ground and tried moving the rubbles around. "Klaus, come here. Help me search" he said "Diego" Klaus said softly before he grabbed Diego's shoulder trying to pull him back "Just stop it. Stop" he said and Diego turned to him "No, what--what are you--" he said turning back, trying to move the rubbles of the Academy "Let me go. What are you doing? Let me to" he said, turning back to Klaus.

"Stop, stop" Klaus said, pulling Diego up on his feet "She's gone. She's...She's gone, okay? She's..." Klaus said softly "What do you wanna do? You wanna--wanna...walk away from this?" Diego said, stuttering the last bit and Klaus shook his head slightly "No" he said "What about Pogo?" Diego asked "Just--" "He didn't make it" Luther said, cutting Klaus off as him and Allison walked up to them.

"What?" Diego asked and Luther let out a sigh "Vanya killed him" Luther said "But Vanya wouldn't--" "No, I saw it" Luther said, cutting Diego off "Just before we got out" Luther said "Mom. Now Pogo" Diego said before sitting down on something.

Then Five arrived at the Academy to see it in ruins.

"Guys" he shouted as he came running over to them with a newspaper in his hand and the siblings all turned to him "This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today" he said "I thought you said it was over" Luther said "I was wrong, okay?" Five said before he held up the newspaper.

"This newspaper, I found it in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed" he said "No, that doesn't mean anything. The time could've been altered since that newspaper came out this morning" Diego said "You're not listening to me. When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else" Five said before he looked up at the night sky, pointing at the moon "But here we are. The Moon's still shining, the Earth is in one piece, but not the Academy" he said and Klaus grabbed the newspaper from him "I'm confused" he said "Then listen to me, you idiot! Vanya destroys the Academy before the apocalypse. I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, but he was the fuse. Vanya is the bomb. Vanya causes the apocalypse" Five said "We have to find her" Luther said.

But then Five completely froze when he finally noticed that you were not among them "Where's Nat?" he asked and the siblings looked at each other.

Five's heart started beating fast as he clenched his jaw before his clenched fists started shaking "Where is Natalie?" he asked again.

Klaus and Diego looked at each other "When the Academy was collapsing, we went to your room where we put her, but we couldn't find her. We thought she escaped but she is nowhere to be found" Klaus said.

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