20. The marker is dead

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"Love is such a powerful force, it's there for everyone to embrace, that kind of unconditional love for all of human kind. That is the kind of love that impels people to go into the community and try to change conditions for others to take risks for what they believe in"

 That is the kind of love that impels people to go into the community and try to change conditions for others to take risks for what they believe in"

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You, Five, Diego and Klaus had been searching the whole Academy for Vanya, but with no luck.

"No sign of Vanya" Five said as you four met up on the second floor by the stairs.

"She is not in any of the rooms" you said "She's not downstairs, either" Klaus said "Then where is she?" you asked.

"Well, I'm out" Diego said as he patted Klaus' shoulder before walking towards the stairs "Wait, Wait..." Klaus said.

"Where are you going? Vanya's still out there, and so are Hazel and Cha-Cha" Five said "I know, I'm gonna get my things and then I'm outta here. I got some unfinished business with those fools" Diego said before he walked away and Klaus let out a sigh.

"Hey" Five said before he turned to look at Klaus "Did Dad say anything about the apocalypse when you spoke to him? Any clues as to how it happened?" he asked "No. No clues. Truly terrific shave. But no clues" Klaus answered and Five let out a sigh "Well, I need a drink" you said before you walk down the stairs.

"Jeez" Five said before he walked down the stairs "You know, come to think of it, he did mention something about my potential, and how I've barely even scratched the surface of my--" "How did he know about the apocalypse?" Five asked, cutting Klaus off "I don't know, but listen. This whole jumping through time thing of yours, how did...How did you know how to do that?" Klaus asked as they got to the bottom of the stairs.

"I didn't. You'd realize that if you were actually sober" Five said before he walked past Klaus and towards the living room.

"Hey, I am sober" Klaus said, turning around "I've been sober for two--almost two days now" he said and Five turned around to face him "Yeah, two days" he said "It feels like 45 years" Klaus said "Who are you kidding, Klaus? I've seen you fidgeting all day" Five said and Klaus turned to Five before he took a couple of steps towards him "Well, I guess we're both fighting our addictions, then" he said "I'm not an addict" Five said "Yeah, you are. You're addicted to drug called the apocalypse" Klaus said "You're wrong" Five said "First sign. Denial" Klaus said and turned away from him.

But Five blinked in front of him "You and I, we're not the same" he said while he had his finger pointed at him and Klaus chuckled "I've seen that look in the eye of someone who doesn't know who they are without their high anymore" he said and Five put his hand down "Trust me" Klaus said as he put his hands close to his chest "You gotta just let it go. I mean what would Tilly say if you---" he said, but he cut off by Five who threw the prosthetic eye against the wall causing it to shattered into pieces.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now