3. Fight in the diner

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"The joy of loving and being love, give birth to the greatest power of all"

"The joy of loving and being love, give birth to the greatest power of all"

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A five-year-old you was walking next to Reginald who walked into the living room of the Academy.

"Children" he said and seven kids all your age turned to him "Dad, who is this?" one of the boys asked "This is Natalie and she is gonna stay here. She is not a member of the family or the team and she is not gonna live here, but she is gonna train with us" Reginald said and the seven kids ran over to you causing you to take a step back, 'cause you were a shy girl.

"Oh great. Another girl in the house" a boy that was holding a toy knife said.

"Hello, Natalie, I'm Number Three. But you can call me Allison" a girl with curly hair said "Hello Natalie, nice to meet you, I'm Number Seven, but you can call me Vanya" the other girl said as she shook your hand.

"Hello Natalie, I'm Number Four, but you call me Klaus" one of the boys said.

"I'm Number Six, but you can call me Ben" another boy said.

"I'm Number One, but you can call me Luther" another boy said.

"I'm Number Two, but you can call me Diego" the boy with the knife said as you shook their hands.

You then looked at the last boy, he had short dark brown hair that almost looked back and the most beautiful soft warm green eyes you have ever seen.

"I'm Number Five, but you can call me Five" he said as he stretched his arm towards you "Hello, I'm Natalie Eversun" you said as you shook his hand.

As soon as your hands touch, you both felt warm and it was like an electric went through your bodies, it was like two puzzle pieces finally put together, two magnets connecting, a invisible thread tied you two together. 

"Five has a crush" Klaus said with a smile and Five quickly pull his hand back "No I don't" he spat at his brother.

"Five and Natalie sitting in a tree" Klaus sang before he started walking away causing both you and Five to blush a bit.

"Welcome to the circus Natalie" Ben said "Don't worry. You don't have to be scared, we're all here for each other" Allison said and you smiled.

From the age of five to 13, your mom let you stay at the Umbrella Academy everyday while she was working.

So everyday your mom drop you off at 05:30 am at the Academy and she would first pick you up later that evening.

Sometimes you would even sleep there, but it was only when your mom was on business trip.

Reginald trained your abilites. You never went on missions with the kids, but you trained with them and spend a lot of time with them and you quickly became very closed with them and because of them you stop being shy and started opened more up and was not scared of doing new things.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now