33. The dance and the gala

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"Be curious, it will lead you to learn new things"

"Be curious, it will lead you to learn new things"

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You, Amy, Five, Diego and Lila was bending down with your backs up against a small brick wall.

Diego was in a black suit with a brown and black tie while Lila was in a light blue dress while Amy were in a thin dress and Five was still in his umbrella uniform.

Diego glanced over the wall quickly, seeing that no one was looking their direction.

He then put his hands on the wall and climbed over it before he crouched down next to a parked car. Lila and Amy climbed over the wall quickly before doing the same.

You and Five looked at each other before you both jumped over.

The five of you was all hiding behind the parked car, bending down as you looked at the building where the Gala was being held.

"So, what's the plan?" Lila asked "We infiltrate, we identify, we extract. Double time" Diego said looking at you and the others before he looked back at the building.

Lila turned to Five "What the hell is he talking about?" she asked "Find the old man and get out fast" Five answered and Diego turned to look at Five "That's what I said" he said before he turned back "On me" he said before running towards another car while you and Amy followed after him.

Lila looked back at Five "After you" she said but he just clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes at her.

"What, I can't be polite?" she asked "Cut the crap. All right? My dimwitted brother might buy your bullshit, but I don't trust you for a second and I don't know what you are up to but you leave Nat alone, understood, and if you touch one hair on my Nat's perfect beautiful head, I will kill you" he threated "Isn't her name Emily?" Lila asked "Just stay away from her" Five said "O ye of little faith" Lila said "Stick it up your ass" Five said, looking at her while he smiled fakely.

Lila smiled before she walked after Diego, Amy and you with Five right behind her.


Slow mariachi music was playing as Diego, Amy and you enter the building with Five and Lila behind you as overlapping chatter was heard.

Five quickly grabbed a glass of champagne from a waiter and took a sip as he looked around "If you want to blend in, a kid drinking champagne isn't exactly the way to do it" you said.

"I don't see Dad anywhere" Diego said "Just keep an eye out for the Majestic Twelve. I got upstairs" Five said before he looked at Diego "Diego, try not to do anything too stupid" he said and Lila chuckled softly.

"But first" Five said before he turned to look at you "What?" you asked "Come with me" he said before he grabbed your hand and lead you just under the stairs were there wasn't any people around.

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