8. Sharing

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"Some people live more in 20 years then others do in 80. It's not the time that matters, it's the person"

 It's not the time that matters, it's the person"

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You were laying in a hospital bed, unconscious, surrounded by tubes and monitors that were there to keep you alive and healing your wounds and to aid in breathing, a ventilator was also present with you. You also had a oxygen mask on your mouth.

Your hands was laying along the side. You had a needle stuck in your left hand that was connected to a thin transparent tube that lead up to an IV bag.

Your mom was sitting next to you, holding your hand. No doctors or expect could explain what have happen to you. 

The police had being in your hospital room many times, asking for questions at what happen at your college since you were the only one that survived. But since you have being unconscious and your mom didn't knew what happen even so she had a feeling about it. The police would wait until you woke up. 

Journalists has also being trying to ask for questions but without luck.

Then suddenly Reginald enter the room "What the hell are you doing here?" Ella asked "I heard what happen and I'm here to help" he said "Help?" Ella repeated before she let go of your hand and got up before she turned to look at Reginald.

"It's your fault, you put that in her" Ella said "If I didn't do it, she would have being dead now" Reginald "And what do you call this?" Ella asked aggressive as she pointed on you.

"Listen, I can help her" Reginald said "I don't need your help, the deal was that we would stay away from each other" Ella said "And the deal is still on" he said "Then leave" Ella said before she looked back at you while she sat down next to you.

"Listen, I saw her result and it's not looking good" he said and Ella looked back at Reginald before looking back at you, sobbing.

Reginald walked over and sat down next to Ella before putting a hand on her shoulder "I know how you feel, one of my kids died at 16 and the other disappeared at 13" he said and Ella let out another sob.

"It's my daughter going to die?" she asked "The doctor said that she is" Reginald said and Ella started sobbing more.

"Listen, Natalie is a danger to this world. Her powers are too strong and might even change reality" he said "How can her powers be a danger to this world if she don't know anything about her powers?" Ella asked "Her powers are hard to master. It would take years maybe decades for her to truly master them, but it's only if she train hard with them everyday" he said "Well, this wouldn't have happen if you hadn't put that serum in her" Ella said "It would, I only put that serum in her to wake the full strength of her powers, so she could control them better" he said and Ella looked down.

The witch & the time traveler (F. HARGREEVES) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now