I see Red then I see Black

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It's exactly the same picture I wake up to as the one I fell asleep to. Laying on my back cuddled up under the cover and with Joel's hand on my stomach. His head that's leaning on my temple and his warm breath that still hits my neck. I carefully open my eyes and can, more or less happily, notice that the hotel room has gotten a bit brighter in the time that I slept.

It makes me happy because it means that it can't be too early anymore but there's also the fact that I close my eyes again with a grumble. As reaction I turn to the side so I can hide my face in the pillow. There's just one thing that I didn't think about before doing so, Joel. Obviously my body turns to the darkest side to hide from the brightness and of course that spot is right between the bed and Joel. So before I can even realise I'm laying cuddled into the pillow and right at Joel's chest. It would just be weird to turn back around again now which is why I just accept my decision and try to push my head further into the pillow and not too make too much body contact with the Finn.

He carefully rubs his hand up and down my back and then pulls me closer towards him. Only very light and barely noticeable he manages to push me closer to him. "Good morning, prinsessa.", he whispers ad puts his chin on my head. "Are you feeling any better?". I nod slightly as an answer as my voice isn't ready to be heard yet. My body is still fighting against waking up too much for that. "That's good.", he whispers.

His voice sounds a little hoarse but you can still tell that he's awake and not broken because of tiredness. There's no a sign that he just woke up due to me trying to hide from the sun light. It looks more like he has been awake for a while already and just hadn't talked yet. Well, who would he have talked to anyway. The way that he's whispering it seems like we're the first ones awake.

With a quiet cough I collect my voice and take my face out of the pillow. "What time is it?", my voice is very quiet and vibrates due to my tiredness. "A quarter to ten.", he answers and I have to yawn not even a second later. "And since when are you awake?", I continue asking him. "Since about an hour." – "One hour?!", I flinch slightly sitting up and get surprised by the light again. I immediately fall back into bed and hide my face in the pillow again. "Since when is it so bright in Finland?", I mumble into the pillow to which Joel's chest starts vibrating. "That can actually happen here sometimes. When the sun is shining it can get pretty bright here.", he laughs quietly.

I carefully lift my face out of the pillow a third time and look up carefully being prepared for the brightness this time. "But now be honest. Why are you awake for an hour already?", I ask him the question that I wanted to ask him before already. "You know, when you're awake you're awake. And I just wake up early. But a quarter to nine isn't that early.", he explains and has to laugh again.

With his answer I stretch myself and then cuddle back under the cover and how else would it be then against Joel aswell. "Didn't we want to go for breakfast at ten?", I mumble against his naked chest while I have my eyes closed again. "Yeah, actually we did but if they're all still asleep that probably won't happen.", he breathes back and begins to stroke my back carefully.

Not even a second goes by until a melody comes from somewhere behind me all of a sudden. A growling and moaning sounds from every direction of the room immediately and sleepy movements are noticeable in the bed. "Turn that off, Olli.", Aleksi complains while his voice breaks in the middle of the sentence. But nothing happens. The melody just continues playing and even manages to get on Niko's nerves. "Press snooze, Matela! Otherwise a pillow will be flying in your direction.", he murmurs and turns around in bed.

Joel starts grinning in amusement and looks over to the other bed where Olli is still in a deep sleep. Slowly the melody is also getting onto my nerves but I manage to hold myself back and stay quiet. I was awake before the alarm went off anyway.

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