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Normal text: Rosa; [text in brackets: Fanaccount1D]

Ugh... What should I say. Every book must come to an end and so does this one. You wouldn't believe how hard it is for me to be writing this very last chapter of the book eventhough it isn't actually a real chapter. It's only a thank you and a little ending to this book.

About three years ago I finished my very first book and that was the first finished story after about seven years. The moment that I published the last chapter was mostly very sad for me. I thought the story was really beautiful and it roughly took me a year to write and publish it. In that moment I thought that I would probably always feel that way when I finish a story but now that I've finished a story for the second time [well, by the time this comes out it's the fourth one... but the German version of this, the original, was the second one] I have to say that it's honestly worse.

I know that many of yous only got to know me through this story, I'd not everyone except for one person [that's me J] and therefore don't really know the story of my account. To understand that we just have to go back about seven and a half months [again, that's from the German version so it's been a year longer] and therefore get to the first of November 2022. Eventhough, you can probably go back another month because that's the period of time where the idea for this book came to me. Yes, that's been a while but there's a reason why that's so long ago [not only that this is published roughly a year after the original one] which is a different book I was writing at that time. More or less, because I had some problems with that story, which means: Writer's block.

But as I kept telling myself that I won't write multiple books at once as one of the books will be neglected anyway if I do that, I kept it as an idea and only created drafts. So I had the title and the idea with the concept of one line per chapter. With time more and more came on top of that. I started writing the probably best blurb that I've ever written; while I was bored I created a cover, aesthetics [I made one aswell] and even made a little sketch of the band "Shadow Hearts". The entire book was planed and finished in my head already by the end of October. But I still kept myself from writing it. As there was still a different book.

The decision to just write the book and stop the old book (eventhough it's partly published already) was a risky decision as it can always be that the planed book isn't that great after all and therefore would have too incomplete books on this account. But my motivation was just too big in that moment not to start. So I made a deal with myself. I will finish the book first and then start publishing it because if I realised something it's that after the great success with my first book on this account I also hoped for similar reads and votes for the second book which didn't really happen though, it was rather the opposite and that took away my motivation in the end even if I never wanted those to affect me I kept looking at them.

So that's why finish the book and therefore don't feel pressured to keep looking at the reads. And what should I say. I loved my first book and still do but this story, it's just carved into my heart now and it was probably the best decision ever to start writing it and stop a different one for it. While I wrote the first book within roughly a year (50 chapters) and had breaks that lasted for months, I wrote this book with 40 chapters in two and a half months [and I took roughly a year to translate it haha] and never lost the fun in writing it. It's just a project that's close to my heart and will stay that way for a long time.

And if I hope one thing then it's that you also really enjoyed this book. Even if my goal was 2500 chapters per chapter which I wasn't really able to keep that way, especially towards the end, I hope that the length doesn't bother you. Another aspect that sowed me how easy it was to write this book for me.

And now, after you've found out about the story of the book I don't want to keep bothering you with that and want to say thanks to everyone who followed this story and were excited for every new chapter.

A special thanks goes to Fanaccount1D for sometimes giving me some little ideas and also for working so hard on translating this story so that it could be released in English aswell and not only German Blind Channel fans can read it. [You're very welcome, and eventhough it took me a little longer I really enjoyed translating it for you]

Now there's only one question unanswered:

How does it continue?

Well that's a entitled question and I can tell you one thing: The prequel is already planed [and published already in German], has a name well, theoretically two, a cover and a story in my head. The prequel will be bigger than I thought because while it was planed to be "Don't" for a really long time with 66 chapters it is now divided into two parts.

1. "Sharks Love Blood" (36 chapters) [This is the one that's published in German already] This is mostly the story of Joel and Hilja during and after the Wacken 2016.

Blurb: »But was it just diversion? Well. I mean, did it only let you think of something else or was there something else aswell?«

Every story has it's background and past. Nothing happens without a reason and no act doesn't have an effect on the future. That's why it can happen, that the past catches up with you but what is the past actually and how did the story start?

How could it be that two hearts are given to eachother in the shortest amount of time without actually knowing it?

Everything get's set back to the start, nobody knows eachother and nobody knows what a single collide will trigger.

2. "Love of Mine" (66 chapters) This will be about the time after the Wacken and the separation of the band.

Blurb: »You had warned me. You predicted everything exactly like this but... Why are you doing this. I thought we were friends.«

Thoughts can rip you apart. They let you think and overthink every action. Feelings, thoughts and fears slowly spread out within your body until they have attacked every single cell. Trapped in the darkest trenches, can you still save yourself from there? Or can it only get worse than it ever was before?

While this is being published the two of us are in the middle of doing our leaving cert which means we won't have too much time to write/translate. [I will try my best to translate a chapter every now and then but can't make any promises eventhough the German version of "Sharks Love Blood" is already complete.] I'll be trying to write a little of "Love of Mine" but the translation will also have to wait a little here. We hope you understand.

Until then we wish you all the best and want to thank you one last time (everyone having ONE LADT TIME... AGAIN stuck in their head now) for joining us on the journey of this book. I hope we'll see eachother again soon and with that this book has officially come to an end, with little tears in the eyes.

And also thanks for 1k reads. This is so amazing <3

Over and Out,

Rosa x [and Fanaccount1D x]

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