No don't be Sad

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With shopping bags that are way too over filled Joonas, Keno and I wander back to the hotel and go directly to our room as we got the message, that they are all there – like always. Joonas opens the door with one hand and enters the room with a greeting chant. "We're back!" – "With a supply of food for life.", I finish his sentence and give Keno who is standing behind me in silence a grinning glance.

On the way back we agreed that Keno would just walk into the room with us silently without any comment and the three of us will pretend as if everything is normal. The reason? The look from the five Fins and their comments. I try to hide my anticipation to their reactions and hope that it looks like I'm just making fun of the amount of snacks we bought. Eventhough I don't think that it works.

After we take off our shoes and coats in the hallway of the hotel room, Joonas and I walk into the main part of the hotel room where the others are sitting, or better lying, on the beds with the bags. Keno just follows behind us and stands himself next to us while we put down the snacks. "But honestly, we have so much food that even if we would eat constantly it wouldn't be gone by the time we're back in Oulu.", Joonas agrees with me and turns to the boys and leans against the desk. I nod and copy him.

As soon as my gaze meets the faces of the partly confused and partly overwhelmed others I have to try and hold back so I don't start laughing. Hectically the eyes wander from Keno to us and back to Keno. A short period of silence starts until Joel notices what's happening infront of his eyes. "Was there German guitarists you could buy at the supermarket?", he asks with a smile on his lips. "Nope, he was totally free. So we thought we'd take him with us.", Joonas jokes to which he gets a warning look from Keno. Joonas immediately raises his hands in the air. "Hey, I said 'for free' and not unnecessarily.", he tries to explain himself which goes under though as Joel has stood up and walks over to Keno. "Hello, Keno. It's nice to see you again.", he greets the German guitar player with a friendly hug that overwhelms the light brown curly headed one at first.

The others also awaken from their frozen state and look at Keno. But I don't even get half of the greetings and only do so after a couple of moments when Olli and Tommi have also greeted him I am able to get out my words. "You two really are unbelievable.", amazed I take turns looking from Joonas to Joel. Joel slants his head slightly and asks for an answer by doing so. "Joonas just told us we'd better be quick before someone asks us exactly that question. And that pretty much with exactly the same words.", I explain and stay focused on the singer with my gaze. "Well, what should I say, we're and always will be the Terror Twins.", Joonas laughs and high fives with Joel.

"Hmm. Lia, believe me, we can do that, too.", Keno announces and leans onto my shoulder with his arm. "I really don't doubt it. We know the two of you together, that can only get crazy.", Niko amuses himself and sits back down on the bed. Aleksi is the last one to stastandfront of Keno and holds out his hand overwhelmed to greet him. Only when I see this I remember that the two of them have never met in person before and just hope that getting to know eachother won't be weird. I know Keno too well to know that shaking his hand isn't enough for him and hope that he will leave it at that though.

To my surprise he takes his hand smiling and quickly introduces himself with his name. But after Aleksi also told him his name, Keno pulls the black-haired Finn into a brotherly hug and surprises him with that gesture. A shocked facial expression appears on the Finns face for a short time but it disappears after a few moments.

His gaze meets mine when Keno ends the hug. "Sorry, he always gets very affectionate when he doesn't have his girlfriend to hug, on top of that he's one of the most extroverted people I know so just accept the hug. Don't let him make you shy.", I apologise sarcastically for the actions of my friend. "I was shocked already when he shook your hand at the beginning. I should have warned you.", I quickly add to which an elbow lands in my side.

Died enough for You [Joel Hokka FF] (English)Where stories live. Discover now