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The ride back to the tower was quick. Peter and Livi met you in the landing bay, following along as you hobbled with Steve and the others straight to medical.

"What happened?" Livi asked as Steve helped you sit on a bed.

"I thought I'd try bungee jumping. Only instead of a bungee, I used a metal cable. Zero out of ten, would not recommend."

No one laughed at your joke. Well, except for Webs. He swallowed his laugh on a fake cough.

"Is that a bullet wound?!" Livi shrieked, pushing Steve out of the way to get a better look at your arm.

"No. It's a new piercing." You replied in annoyance.

She glared at you.

Clint got first dibs on the cradle, but you were right behind him. It actually managed to heal the hairline fractures and the lacerations you sustained.

You stood, practicing your walk in the space by the cradle as everyone watched. You felt like a kid in Payless getting a new pair of sneakers.

"I'm good." You told the bystanders.

"Good. Then let's have a discussion about the use of your powers." Steve stood in front of you, his arms crossed over his chest.


"You know you're not allowed to heal anybody. You went against a direct order, endangering yourself and the patient in your care."

"She's not allowed to heal?" Clint asked.

Steve's glare at you deepened. "No. She's not."

"You needed us out of there and there was no fucking way he could walk on it. I don't have super strength like some of us. I couldn't carry him. I made the right decision." Your fists dug into your hips as you glared back at Steve.

"You broke the rules, Penelope."

"Rules were made to be broken."

"They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken." Steve argued.

"Pinatas." You sassed.

"Glow sticks." Stark raised his hand.

"Bones." Webs added.

Everyone's eyes shot to him, he shrugged.

Steve sighed. "You're grounded, little girl. No missions for a month. No leaving the compound unsupervised. You are to focus on your schoolwork and training. Nothing else."

"But I-"


Stomping your newly healed foot, you turned and stormed out of medical, not stopping until you'd cleared the compound. Slowing down, you took a deep breath to calm your beating heart and continued the walk down the trail in the woods. Turning off about three miles in, you made your way to the spot you'd found. It took a minute to find, and you actually worried you'd taken a wrong turn. But then you finally broke free of the brush. Looking over the tree, you contemplated whether it was climbable.

Fuck it.

Approaching, it took you a moment to find a good foothold and you hoisted yourself up. Only to slip on the next step and fall back to the ground on your ass. Grumbling, you paced for a moment before an idea struck. Calling on your powers, you smiled down at the shadows before sending them out. Working with Wands, you'd learned how to make them solid so you could use them to push people back in a fight. Utilizing that same strategy, you created small shadowy platforms for your feet to stand on. When you finally made it to the first branch, you crawled across it on your stomach. Sitting up to straddle the wood, you pumped your fists in the air in silent celebration.

Of Love and Lines (MCUxReader)Where stories live. Discover now