Fifty Seven

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Dinner was pizza and wings since everyone was too exhausted from swimming all afternoon to cook.

"Want to take your plate up to your room for some privacy?" Webs whispered, elbowing you in the side.

He could go fuck himself. Your body was always starving after coming back, and you were demolishing your third plate, little groans leaving your lips as you sucked the sauce from your fingers.

"Shut up." You grumbled back.

Bucky laughed across from you, and you trailed your foot up the inside of his leg. He swallowed his laughter. You'd been playing footsie with him since you sat down, you'd even tried it with Steve where he sat next to him. The Captain had allowed it, but made no move to reciprocate. Meanwhile you and Bucky had been waging a small war beneath the table as you joined in the conversation around you.

When you finished the last wing, you pushed your plate away and stood. "Movie?" You asked.

Happy agreements rose over the table as everyone moved to finish up and join you.

"Let's use the theater. As much as I love being close to you all, those couches aren't exactly comfortable." Stark muttered, leading the way to a part of the compound you'd not explored.

The theater room was in the same wing as Stark's rooms and almost identical to the one in the tower. You snuggled into one of the back couches with Bucky and Peter as everyone else got settled. To your surprise, Steve kicked Peter from the spot next to you and sat. Webs grumbled before moving to sit with Stark.

Leaning into Bucky's side, you tucked your feet up under you only for Steve to reach over and pull your legs across his lap. You gave him a questioning look, which he ignored, keeping his eyes pinned to the screen.

As Rocky began to play on the screen, you groaned. "Seriously?"

Stark's head whipped around to glare at you. "You don't like it, Peri, you can leave." He said before turning back around.

You sighed in annoyance but stayed.

Bucky's arm came around your shoulders and Steve's hand landed heavily on your thighs. It was almost perfect. If you ignored the shitty movie and Steve's grumpiness. Sleep pulled at your consciousness, and you fought to stay awake. Bucky lowered your head from his shoulder to his lap so you were laying across the two of them, his arm coming to rest over your side.

Just as Rocky began pounding into slabs of meat, Steve's hands moved along your thighs. Your body jerked, now wide awake. Steve still didn't look at you. So, you pulled your attention back to the screen. But you weren't watching the movie. No. Your brain was tuned into Steve's hands that moved further up your legs with each pass.

Bucky's arm left your side to pull the blanket down off the back of the couch, hiding your body from view just as Steve's hand met the apex of your thighs. The silk pajama shorts you wore left very little fabric between you and Steve's searching fingers. Warmth flooded your core as excitement filled your chest. When Steve began to rub your clit over your clothes, your eyes searched the room, landing on the backs of your friends' oblivious heads. The feelings in you were confusing. Your own emotions mixed with Bucky's desire. While you'd blocked off Steve's emotions down the bond, his stiff movements still held that edge of irritation.

Why is he doing this?

The question was wiped from your mind when Steve's fingers slipped under your clothes. With nothing between you, he began working your clit again. A small gasp left your lips and you quickly shut them, biting down to prevent anymore sounds from escaping. Steve's free hand clamped down on your thigh as Bucky's hand moved to cover your mouth.

Of Love and Lines (MCUxReader)Where stories live. Discover now