Forty One

103 4 39

Paint and sip with the girls went as well as can be expected. Meaning the four of you got shit faced and fucked up some canvases just like Livi had said. She'd brought the good stuff you'd asked for, the three bottles of Asgardian wine were quickly decimated between the two of you. The best part was when Thor joined in and started up a paint war. Judging by the way everyone else had already hoarded paints, leaving you with minimal ammo, had you thinking that this was not the first time they'd done this.

The whole thing was refreshing, relaxing. The exact remedy to your strained relationships. Well, strained with Livi. Nat and Wands hadn't skipped a beat in accepting you right back into their fold like nothing had ever happened. Like you hadn't died, and then actually lived, and then lied to them all for days. While you could tell that Livi was still feeling hurt by it all, her love for you and her joy at having you back clearly overpowered that. Something you were grateful for. You already had to deal with Steve's rejection, you didn't think you could handle hers as well.

As far as rejections went, Webs had also made it a point to reconcile with you. I mean, you damn well deserved it. You'd apologized more to him in the last twenty four hours than you had for anything you'd ever done in the years you'd known him. Seriously. It got to the point that he fucking begged you to stop. You did, once he relented the favor you owed him. He'd chosen something simple. A Mario Kart rematch since the last time you'd kicked his ass without mercy.

A complete waste of a favor though. Because you weren't getting up from this spot until you'd sent his kart on a one class ticket to Hell.

Do they even have Hell in the Mario Kart universe?

"God damn it Peter! You're gonna pay for that." You grumbled, elbowing Peter in the side.

The two of you sat on the beanbags in the living room, throwing insults and halfhearted punches in between throwing traps in the game. It was fucking perfect and the exact distraction your heavy body needed to get away from the slight hangover that was currently racking your system.

Stupid ass serum could take away your drunkenness but not the hangover afterwards. Like what in the actual fuck.

All it took was one well-placed giant banana to secure your win. Webs cried out in anguish as his kart spun out of control allowing you to seize first place coming around the last bend of the map.

A muffled pain spread through your lower abdomen. Grimacing, you attempted to bend over while maintaining your lead in the race. When you crossed the finish line, you turned a bragging grin on Peter.

"Take that!" You exclaimed, then grimaced again when the pain flared back up.

"Hey, you okay Sparks?"

Waving him off, you turned back to the screen gearing up for the next map. "Fine."

Just when the tone signaled the start of the race, a third pain ripped through you. This time it was too strong to ignore. Dropping the controller, you pressed both hands onto your stomach, clenching your jaw as you folded in two.



"I don't think you're fine."

You opened your mouth to reassure him when your current cramp rolled into another, even sharper one.

"Ahhh." The pained gasp fell out of your open lips.

"I'm gonna go get help. Just stay right here." Peter stood as he spoke.

Lifting your head, you couldn't do much more than send a glare after his retreating form.

"Fuck." The next wave knocked you out of the beanbag.

Of Love and Lines (MCUxReader)Where stories live. Discover now