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He could feel the glares and the cold stares of his classmates, he knew what was going to happen and yet he could not stop himself from answering.

"The answer is, France, Sir." Enjolras said.

The teacher nodded and the bell rang. Enjolras collected his gear and ran out of the class, he needed to get through the end of the day without getting beaten up, but even he knew that was not going to happen.

Enjolras unlocked his locker and packed his bag. He was on his way out when he got pulled back by a boy whom he didn't know the name of.

Nobody spoke. Enjolras watched the feet of his opponents, he could see the first blow coming, but there was nothing he could do to stop it, blocking it would only make the situation worse, as Enjolras had learnt. He braced himself for impact, but it never came.

"I don't think you guys can count, you see there is one of him and ten of you. I don't think that's very fair and if you so dare as lay a finger on him this recording will get sent in to the principle and there will be hell to pay." It was Grantaire's voice, Enjolras would recognise it anywhere.

The attackers ran off and Enjolras and Grantaire were left alone.

"How did you-" Enjolras started.

"The bruises on your body, you being late every day 'talking with teachers.' I notice these things, love." Grantaire said

"I- thank you, 'Tairey." Enjolras said.

"You only ever call me that when we are alone." Grantaire said, smiling.

Enjolras flashed him a smile in return.

"No one is gonna hurt my Enjy. Let's go home."


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