Grounding and Guiding

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A/N: Writer's block is fun. (Not.)

Every Wednesday and Friday, Enjolras held social justice meetings, that his university friends would attend. They called themselves the 'Les Amis', the meetings had been going on for a few years, long enough for all members to feel like a family. Enjolras was autistic, well he was quite low on the spectrum, so low that many doctors considered him not to have autism and most of the time Enjolras was what most would consider 'normal', but every once and awhile he would become oversensitive and hyperaware of all sounds going on around him.

Today was one of those days, the meeting had ended, but most of the group would stay in the back room of the Cafe Musian for at least an hour or two, unless they had a date or work. Enjolras was packing his notes away when it started. Combeferre was having a serious conversation with Joly about something medical, Jehan was sitting on Courfeyrac's lap, twirling a strand of long, auburn hair and laughing at something Musichetta had said.

Èponine was getting ready to leave for a shift at the club where she served drinks, Marius, Joly, Bahorel and Grantaire were also talking rather loudly. Enjolras was finding it difficult to concentrate on one particular group, like he normally did. The nosies all joined together, making it difficult to hear words or phrases, becoming white noise and the room suddenly became smaller. Enjolras sunk into a chair and put his head in his hands, no one seemed to notice except for Grantaire.

Enjolras felt Grantaire's hand on his back, strong, calming, grounding and guiding. He looked up at the man and Grantaire's eyes gave Enjolras reassurance. Grantaire offered his other hand for Enjolras, who took it and was pulled up by the stronger man. Grantaire led Enjolras out of the cafe, everyone else looked up momentarily and they knew what was going on, but they left the pair alone. As soon as they were out of the cafe, they began to walk to Grantaire's apartment, until Grantaire stopped walking.


There was no reply, but Enjolras could not hear him over the noise of the cars that were blocks away and Enjolras was sure that the street he was walking down was meant to be silent. Grantaire swept Enjolras off his feet and carried him to the apartment and laid him down on Grantaire's bed, he made Enjolras a cup of tea and laid with him until they both fell asleep.

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