Happy Tears. Sad Tears.

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The sound of gunshots still rang in his ear. Tears ran down his face. They were not tears of sadness or despair instead they were tears of happiness and joy. They had won, they had survived, their goal had been achieved even when Paris did not come to their aid.

There had been blood shed, mainly from the opponents, one on their side. The girl. Èponine. She had died a hero's death, her death was not in vain. The people had won their fight for freedom and he, his fight for love.

Enjolras smiled at him and he returned it. Grantaire moved to speak to Joly about Gavroche's condition as the young boy had been wounded, but not fatefully. However Grantaire's path was stopped the blonde leader.

"Thank you." Enjolras whispered in his ear. Grantaire was confused. "Thank you, for believing in me. You proved me wrong and I am sorry for what I have said to you on countless occasions."

Grantaire opened his mouth to speak, but when no words came out, he closed it. They started leaning in, closer and closer to each other, when their lips finally met.

Courfeyrac let out a little squeal and Jehan rushed to find something to write on. Feuilly lent against Bahorel, content yet tired. They were all tired, they had fought for such a long time to get the result that they deserved.

No one knew quite what to do as they sat on various part of the barricade that was still standing. There was silence amongst the group, when Enjolras and Grantaire pulled apart. It was a solemn silence, Èponine had been killed and Gavroche was injured. They were all injured. Joly and Combeferre moved first, they began checking everyone's wounds and cleaned them to make sure that they would not get infected.

The silence was ended when Feuilly gasped.

"What?" asked Jehan.

"Javert." Feuilly hissed in return. The group turned their heads in unison and all eyes were set upon the figure walking towards them. Unknown to everyone else, Javert was Grantaire's father.

"Congratulations." Javert snarled sarcastically. He was meant to be dead, the man that had dragged Marius out had lied.

Enjolras got up to walk towards Javert when an arm got shot out in front of him, holding him back. It was Grantaire. Enjolras looked at Grantaire, annoyed and confused.

"Hello, dear father." Grantaire spat. "Isn't it such a pity that you are still alive? A pity that you and I both live. You are meant to be dead. Go away from here."

"Ah, such a pity that you even exist, Grantaire. Such a pity that you were even conceived in the first place. You really are a worthless creature." Javert replied and slapped Grantaire across the face. Grantaire did not fight back, there was no use, it would only make things worse.

Javert kicked one of Grantaire's wounds and the latter howled and cried out in pain. The wound had reopened. Courfeyrac noticed this and jumped on Javert pulling him away from his son, Courf nodded his head in the direction of Grantaire and Combeferre had caught on to what his friend was trying to do.

"Joly." 'Ferre whispered, the boy looked at him. "It's R."

Joly and Combeferre made their way over to Grantaire while Courfeyrac joined with Bahorel and Jehan, diverted Javert's attention away from Grantaire, with the intent to maim or kill.

Feuilly, Bossuet and Enjolras stayed put, not quite knowing what to do. Enjolras had no energy and was on the verge of passing out, Feuilly had a badly injured leg and couldn't really walk properly and Bossuet was too clumsy to help out. So the trio watched and waited.

Javert was on the ground, badly injured, if he did not get help soon he would die. Grantaire was being tended to by Combeferre and Joly, but his state was getting worse, the bleeding was not easing off, if it didn't stop soon he would not make it.

Enjolras moved from his spot to Grantaire, Joly moved so that Enjolras could sit with him. Enjolras lifted Grantaire's head into his lap. Grantaire cried out again and Enjolras could feel a fever.

"Joly, he's getting a fever." Enjolras said, worried.

"There's not a lot we can do, Enjolras." Combeferre replied, answering for Joly.

"Don't- Leave me. Apollo, leave me. Let me accept my fate." Grantaire said, with a little too much effort for anyone's liking.

"Don't you dare leave me, 'Taire. Please don't leave me." Enjolras said, his voice cracking,

"They can't do anything now. Let it be. I love you, Enjolras." Enjolras could feel his pulse slowing.

"I-I love you too, Grantaire." Enjolras sobbed and then Grantaire was gone. Enjolras let the tears fall, this time they were sad tears, he had lost his love.

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