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Enjolras paced around in his office. Running a country was not an easy task. The doors opened and a man with curly, brown hair and bloodshot eyes was carried in by two officers. The man stank of alcohol and cigarettes and he was covered in various colours of paint.

"Who is this?" Enjolras asked the officers, utterly disgusted.

"Refused to tell us his name, sir. Caught him trying steal some art supplies." One of the officers said.

Enjolras looked the man in the eye. "Take him to the prison and I will decide his sentence from there."

The officers picked the man up to take him away.

"Enjolras, please." The man pleaded.

Enjolras was taken aback, he was caught off-guard. No one had called him his name in years. There was only a handful of people who would still call him his name and they were either dead, out of town or had a falling out with Enjolras because the power went to his head.

"Wait." Enjolras said, putting his hand up to stop the officers from taking the man away. He took a closer look at the man. Bloodshot eyes. Smelling of cigarettes and alcohol. Covered in paint. Caught stealing art supplies. Enjolras knew this man, he didn't just know the man, he knew the man extremely well. He could describe or draw the man with his eyes closed and hands behind his back.

"Actually." Enjolras said to the officers. " I will deal with him here, right now. You both may go."

The officers left and the man was still knelt down on the ground. Enjolras bent down to the level of the man.

"Look at me." Demanded Enjolras and the man tilted his head up. The man did not know what to expect.

"Why did you steal art supplies?" Enjolras asked.

"To see you and partly because I needed new ones." The man replied. "You've forgotten me." The man added, seeing Enjolras' confused face.

"No, never. I am confused because you stole to see me. I could never forget you, Grantaire." Enjolras said.

"Why did you leave me?" Grantaire asked, voice cracking.

"I-I, I do not know. I am miserable here, 'Taire. Miserable without you."

"You make no sense." Grantaire replied.

Enjolras was silent, he did not know what to say. Grantaire continued,

"You pushed everyone away, Feuilly, Bahorel, Marius, Bossuet, Joly, Jehan, me, even Courfeyrac and Combeferre. So don't give me that crap about not knowing. There's go to be a reason. You always have a reason."

Enjolras sighed. He hated admitting his faults and his failures and he knew that Grantaire was purposely doing this for the both of them. Grantaire to get his answers and Enjolras to admit his flaws.

"Power." Enjolras answered.

"Not good enough." Grantaire said, rolling his eyes.

"I was power hungry. It messed with my head, I pushed you all away because I did not want you to notice. I became a terrible ruler, I admit that, I just- I was not thinking clearly. If I had not pushed you all aside, I would not be such a horrible leader."

Enjolras was on the verge of tears. He had never admitted this to anyone, let alone himself. Enjolras realised just how bad of a leader and how wrong he was.

The doors opened again and Enjolras composed himself. There were more officers with more people, but these were no random strangers, these were the close friends of Enjolras. The officers lined them all up, next to Grantaire, so they formed a line and again Enjolras dismissed the officers.

"You set this up didn't you?" Enjolras asked, Grantaire.

"'Course I did." He replied.

"Then why are all of you kneeling?" Enjolras questioned. For a minute no one moved.

Grantaire moved first, crossed the room right to where Enjolras was standing. He looked him in the eye, then kissed him, on the lips, for the first time in five years. When they broke apart Courfeyrac and Combeferre bounded over to him and hugged their friend, who was more like a brother.

Jehan was next and gave Enjolras a kiss on both cheeks. Joly got up and nodded at him, in fear of catching germs. Bossuet shook his hand and so did Marius. Feuilly gave him a hug and Bahorel clapped his hand on Enjolras' shoulder.

"Now be the leader you really are." Grantaire said and everyone nodded in agreement and all was well.

Enjoltaire One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now