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Grantaire was evil. Well he wasn't really because Enjolras loved him too much to think that, but Grantaire was evil. He had hidden Enjolras' hair products, brush and all because they had been talking a few days ago and Grantaire had commented on how much he loved Enjolras' natural hair.

So Enjolras was now staring at himself in the mirror, looking at his mane of curls, almost resembling Simba from the Lion King. He was glad that it was his day off and he was having a day in, so he wouldn't have to go out.

"Grantaire." Enjolras whined.

"Yes?" He mimicked.

"I look like a lion."

"A cute lion."

Enjolras sighed, he knew this wasn't going anywhere, so he joined his boyfriend on their bed. Grantaire set 'Smash' up on his laptop and as they started to watch one of the episodes, he absentmindedly played with Enjolras' curls.

Enjolras smiled because Grantaire was smiling and Grantaire didn't smile truthful smiles often. If this made his boyfriend happy then it made Enjolras happy.


I don't even know what this is, I just got bored. Sorry.

Enjoltaire One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now