Sore Throat

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Grantaire groaned and woke up, he checked his phone for the time and it read 2:39am. He went to bed at 1:00. Grantaire's throat was extremely sore and he was about to creep out of bed to find a remedy, when he noticed that Enjolras had not yet come to bed.

Grantaire walked down the stairs, towards the kitchen and on his way he found Enjolras in his study, typing away furiously. Grantaire knocked softly on the study door and Enjolras turned around.

"'Taire? What are you doing up?" Enjolras asked.

"Throat hurts." Grantaire said, his voice quiet because of it.

"Oh, my love."

Enjolras sighed and saved his work, it could wait, he needed to care for Grantaire right now. He took Grantaire's hand and led him to the kitchen where Enjolras started to make tea with honey for Grantaire and made sure Grantaire took some pain relievers.

When the tea was made, the pair moved to the lounge room and Grantaire sipped on his tea whilst Enjolras played with his hair. Grantaire yawned and Enjolras set Grantaire's empty cup down and carried him to their bedroom.

Enjolras himself got ready for bed and slid in next to Grantaire. Enjolras peppered small kisses on Grantaire's face.

"Goodnight, Enjy." Grantaire said when he felt his eyelids droop.

"Goodnight, gorgeous." Enjolras replied and the pair dozed off immediately.

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