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Helpless. Enjolras felt absolutely helpless. He and his friends had been captured by the officers who had almost killed them all at the barricade. Poor, little Jehan was the first to be killed in front of his eyes, while he struggled.

Jehan's death was quick and Enjolras was glad, the latter didn't think he would be able to live with himself if Jehan had been tortured to death. Courfeyrac was brought in next, the guards were trying to break Enjolras so he would spill everything about the rebellion.

"Don't you dare let them win." Courfeyrac said simply and then he was shot. One of Enjolras' closest friends was now dead.

Feuilly, then Bahorel, then Bossuet. Marius had not been captured, so he was safe. Only Joly, Combeferre and Grantaire were still alive, Enjolras was going to use safe, but he knew these past few days were their last.

The next day, a few cells down from Enjolras', Combeferre, Joly and Grantaire heard screams of pain and cries of agony coming from the direction where Enjolras was being held. He was being whipped.

Tears fell silently down Grantaire's cheeks, the group of friends knew about Grantaire and Enjolras' relationship, this was slowly killing Grantaire's soul. Joly and Combeferre did their best to console and comfort Grantaire. It wasn't helping. Joly was dragged off next.

The two could hear talking. Silence. A scream. More silence. The pair shuddered. Combeferre lived one more day, before he got shot. The day after, the same guard came to his cell.

"Get up." The guard said, by now Grantaire knew the drill.

He stood up and walked with the guard to Enjolras' cell. Enjolras snapped his head up when he heard the door open and his eyes started to glisten with tears. Grantaire immediately wished he had not looked at Enjolras at all.

Enjolras, who had not uttered a proper word in days, made a whining noise and it did not go unnoticed by the guard.

"Just give us the information kid and you can both go home." The guard said.

Before Enjolras could reply, Grantaire spat at the guard and then looked Enjolras straight in the eye.

"If you give them the information, I am never going to speak to you again." Grantaire whispered.

Enjolras just nodded and tried to reach for Grantaire, but his hands were cuffed. Grantaire broke away from the guards grasp and hugged Enjolras.

"I love you, Enjy."

"I love you too, 'Taire."

The guard pitied them, but covered his own back. He shot both of them, when the King asked what happened he would say that Grantaire had interfered.

Enjolras and Grantaire died happily, half finished smiles on their faces and huddled together.

Enjoltaire One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now