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For @animener556 can you write one where Grantaire is mute and Enjolras doesn't know sign language?

Grantaire was mute, he had been since the day he was born. When he entered the world, he was crying, yet no sound was made. His parents had started to beat him for it as he grew older. He was now twenty three and he had a group of twelve wonderful, amazing friends. Only three people in that group knew sign language, so Grantaire often had a piece of paper and a pen or a small whiteboard and a marker.

The three people who knew sign language were, Combeferre, Musichetta and Marius. Marius was really good a learning languages and he worked as a translator, so it wasn't news to anyone that he knew sign language.

Grantaire also had a boyfriend, his boyfriend was apart of the group of friends, his name was Enjolras. Enjolras was a fiery, passionate man, only a year older than Grantaire and he believed greatly in justice. When the two had first met, Enjolras was shocked to find out that Grantaire had been abused by his own parents because he was mute and naturally, Enjolras was curious about it, so they spent a lot of time together.

There was only one problem for the pair, Enjolras could not, for the life of him, get the hang of sign language. Grantaire had tried to teach him, Musichetta had tried, Marius had tried, even Combeferre had tried and they all failed. Communication was an issue between the two because if something triggered Grantaire, it would be too difficult to write down.

Enjolras was always keeping an eye on his boyfriend, some would say it's overprotective, but to Enjolras it was his way of making sure his boyfriend was okay. Enjolras loved Grantaire with all his heart and vice versa. They were an almost unlikely pair, but they complimented each other, two halves of a whole. Enjolras would talk about the injustices of the world and Grantaire would listen. Enjolras would write a thesis or a speech and Grantaire would read through and correct it. Grantaire needed someone to lean on, Enjolras was there. Grantaire needed someone to talk to, Enjolras would read the pages and hug him after.

Enjolras had returned home after a long business trip that lasted for three weeks. Grantaire walked up to him and hugged his boyfriend.

"I finally learnt sign language." Enjolras whispered. "I mean, I'm not able to do it like you or the others, but I know how to sign a few things."

Grantaire broke out into a massive grin and hugged his boyfriend even tighter and kissed him on the lips.

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