Role Reversal

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For @jasminecat99 can you write one where their roles are reversed? I'm not sure if this is exactly what you wanted. I'm sorry.

Grantaire was passionate, brave and fiery. He was the leader in green. He believed strongly, that everyone should be equal and he fought against the injustices of the world with his friends.

Enjolras was everything opposite that. He was cynical and a drunkard and believed in nothing, except for Grantaire himself. Enjolras sat in the back of the cafe room where they held their meetings, he wore mostly red and he would make witty and sarcastic remarks. He often shot down Grantaire's ideals and Grantaire often lectured him or told him to leave, sometimes both.

Most of Grantaire's friends often told him off about speaking so harshly to Enjolras, but no one would ever say why, other than the fact that it was plain rude. Grantaire had always suspected there was another reason, but there was never any way to figure out what it was. Well there was one way and that was to ask, but Grantaire would never do that.

"Grantaire, maybe you should just talk to him." Courfeyrac suggested.

Grantaire sighed, "Why should I? He doesn't believe in our cause and takes delight in shooting down all our ideas in his drunken state."

Courfeyrac shared a look with Combeferre.

"What?" Grantaire asked.

"Courf's right, you should talk to him." Combeferre said.

"I don't know...." Grantaire replied, trailing off.

"It wasn't a question 'Taire. I think you will benefit from talking with him about something other than justice and at a time when he hasn't drunk himself stupid." Combeferre said.

"Okay, I've just texted Enjolras and you're going to meet with him tomorrow. At the Musian at two thirty."

"In the afternoon?" Grantaire asked with a smile.

"No. In the morning." Courfeyrac said and then hit him over the head with a book, "of course in the afternoon, you idiot."


Grantaire arrived at the cafe a two twenty-five, he was shocked to find Enjolras entering the same time. The pair sat down at a table and ordered a drink and something small to snack on. They were silent, until Grantaire's phone buzzed, alerting him he had a message.

"You like Harry Potter?" Enjolras asked, referring to Grantaire's phone case.

"Of course I do. Who doesn't?" Grantaire replied.

"Idiots." Enjolras said.

"What house?"

"Hufflepuff. You?"

"Gryffindor." Grantaire replied.


"-And that was how your dads first decided they loved each other." Courfeyrac finished.

"I can't believe the first time they talked properly, it was about Harry Potter." Said their daughter, scrunching up her nose.

Enjolras kissed his husband, to purposely make the young girl cringe.

"Stop scarring her, Enjolras." Jehan said, rolling his eyes.

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