Film Night

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For @EnjolrasIsOutThere Can you write one where they are watching a film and they're sat normally but eventually they're cuddling. I'm sorry it's so short, Georgia. Also West Side Story came from a conversation I had with EnjolrasIsOutThere and superwholockedmizzie

It was film night. Every night, once a month, the friends of the Les Amis would have a movie night. This evening it was to be held at Courfeyrac's house, every person was going Èponine, Cosette, Marius, Musichetta, her boys Joly and Bossuet, Feuilly, Bahorel, Jehan, Combeferre, Enjolras and Grantaire.

They were all currently sat in the living room, having a debate on which movie to watch.

"The Aristocats." Someone shouted, probably Marius, and everyone (expect for Enjolras) face palmed.

"Good job." Bahorel said, sarcastically.

"Don't worry, Enjolras. We are not watching that film." Combeferre sighed.

"Harry Potter?" Came another suggestion.

"Unless we want to be here forever, I say no." Èponine said, much to the annoyance of Bahorel, Feuilly, Jehan and Grantaire.

"Clueless?" Cosette suggested.

"Not unless you want to hear, Enjolras talking about how it objectifies women." Courfeyrac responded.

"How about West Side Story?" Grantaire suggested.

"Yessssss." Said Courfeyrac.

"What's West Side Story?" Enjolras asked.

"You've never seen it Apollo? Wow, I'm hurt." Grantaire teased, placing a hand on his heart, as if his chest was hurting.

"I can't believe you've never educated your boyfriend, R." Said Jehan.

"West Side Story it is."

Courfeyrac set the disc up and somehow Enjolras and Grantaire were sitting next to each other. When the movie played Grantaire started to quote and sing along with the actors, it made Enjolras smile. Enjolras was quite enjoying the movie, although he did have some political statements, he kept them to himself. Enjolras wrapped his arms around Grantaire and they were now awkwardly hugging.

Èponine looked over at them and made a sound of disgust, but smiled at them. Enjolras moved into a more comfortable position, but Grantaire was still cuddling him. All was good.

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